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Topic: CWG's IG Style Bhajis (Read 50998 times)
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Indian Master Chef
Posts: 261
Re: CWG's IG Style Bhajis
Reply #10 on:
October 09, 2010, 07:23 PM »
Sounds good chris! How hot is it with the kashmiri paste in there?
What do you mean by aniseed- is it ground star anise or fennel seeds or something?
I havent been on the site for a while but you're doing some really good work with these side-by-side tests! Nice one! I'm up for joining in with the onion bhaji test which is imminent i believe. I've just lost my job so have at least the next week free.
I find most BIR bhajis disappointing TBH - they're often bland or dry and need smothering in raita or chutney.
I really like having whole spices in them. Coriander, cumin and fennel seeds give flavour bursts which vary the taste of the bhaji. That's my top tip
Jedi Curry Master
Posts: 2531
Re: CWG's IG Style Bhajis
Reply #11 on:
October 09, 2010, 07:45 PM »
Hi Chinois,
Sorry to hear about your job mate but if your youtube Madras is anything to go by, I think that their is a BIR kitchen somewhere with your name on it ;D
As for the aniseed, it is actually that. You could use fennel as a substitute but it doesn't quite give the same results, or at least that's what people say, I've never got hold of aniseed, so I don't know.
Would be great to have you on board with the bhaji test, more the merrier. Also, feel free to join in with future tests or even, look at the last two, and put your score to them if you wish.
Good to see you back mate.
Curry Spice Master
Posts: 829
Re: CWG's IG Style Bhajis
Reply #12 on:
October 10, 2010, 10:02 AM »
Hi Chinois
Great to hear you are keen to help test the bhajis - you will be an expert by the end of it!
The aniseed are these:
The give a very different taste to fennel seeds adding a warmth and depth to the flavour - it was Axe's breakthrough but even though I'm not a big aniseed fan in other things I find them essential in these.
I'll send you a list to test along with a template for recording your results, could you PM me you email address.
Head Chef
Posts: 209
Re: CWG's IG Style Bhajis
Reply #13 on:
October 10, 2010, 12:14 PM »
hi chris,
i made these yesterday, and found these to be much tastier than the IG bhaji, even though i had to substitute the aniseed for fennel due to ther being no aniseed in my spice cupboard yet. everyone had them last night and enjoyed them
I made the first batch at 140 degrees for ten minutes as you suggested but found them not to be as crispy as the IG bhaji. Therefore i went back to 150 degrees for 8 mins and found them to be perfect. For reheating i took the advice and put them back in at 190 degrees for 1 min, any longer and they will overcook.
easily the best bhaji i have made so far, i also think this would give a lot of restraunts a run for there money too.
Jedi Curry Master
Posts: 2224
Re: CWG's IG Style Bhajis
Reply #14 on:
October 11, 2010, 10:21 AM »
Well done Chris, they seem to be going down well, i'll give them a try on my next batch.
Spice Master Chef
Posts: 557
Re: CWG's IG Style Bhajis
Reply #15 on:
October 11, 2010, 04:12 PM »
Thanks Guys, you have inspired me to have a go with this bhaji approach rather than having my usual Pakora. I have finally followed Gazman and bought myself a dedicated Deep Fat Fryer I picked up for 12 quid in Sainsbury's last week. Has anybody cracked he excellent Yellow Dip that goes with Bhaji you can find in Brick Lane in London? PP
Curry Spice Master
Posts: 829
Re: CWG's IG Style Bhajis
Reply #16 on:
October 12, 2010, 10:04 AM »
Hi Moonster,
I'm glad you liked them, I think you are the first person to try that recipe.
Subbing for fennel seeds is about as close as you can get, but it is well worth buying a pack of whole aniseed if you get a chance. They will make the recipe go from giving restaurants a run for their money, to knocking their socks off!
Head Chef
Posts: 209
Re: CWG's IG Style Bhajis
Reply #17 on:
October 12, 2010, 10:27 AM »
Hi Chris,
I will be definatley getting some aniseed for the next time i do them. could you recommend the best mint riata to serve with them please.
regards moonster
Jedi Curry Master
Posts: 2224
Re: CWG's IG Style Bhajis
Reply #18 on:
October 12, 2010, 11:07 AM »
You won't regret hunting out Aniseed, it gives a more defined and cleaner aniseed flavour with a subtle warmth on the back of the tongue. In the bhaji, it livens it up and helps to give it a freshness that the fennel can't deliver.
Ain't nothing like being a bhajihaulic!
Head Chef
Posts: 209
Re: CWG's IG Style Bhajis
Reply #19 on:
October 14, 2010, 08:22 PM »
I done your bhaji recipe again, halfed the salt and used Razors spice mix instead of IG and added the aniseed. (how difficult is that to get hold of BTW)
The difference in taste, superceeded what i had before i put it down to razors superior spice mix and the aniseed made a good difference. Brilliant recipe this Chris a few tweaks here and there and they are the best bhajis in the world ;D
thanks moonster
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