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Hey MickThis is the vindaloo paste. https://youtu.be/E7wl9hbsH6Y?si=mcxP2XfRZvG5Mh6GAnd this is the dish. https://youtu.be/YLx_u3ZUL1s?si=K8ARMmj96_-oan7pI didn’t add the roast potatoes but at some point will try with boiled spuds just to see.It’s a great curry for me.Robbo
Is this what you're seeing KB?"An Error Has Occurred!The attachments upload directory is not writeable. Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved."
Seems to be a glitch posting photos. My previous post includes an ImageHost link. Nothing showed when I used Preview either. Tried several times with different photos. Is anyone else experiencing this?Rob