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thin base
What do you consider to be "minimal spicing" BB (quantity per main dish serving, say)? Are you saying you can't produce the BIR "taste" and/or "smell" if you use more (or a wider variety of) spices?
Are you saying that ALL of these spices are essential to creating the taste and/or smell BB? And no others are?
Roughly how much might this be per main dish serving? Do you think you cannot get the taste and/or the smell without it?
Secret Santa,been giving some thought to the 70s curry.
Again, I'm not exactly sure on volumne but for example, I find that one dsrt spoon in your base and half a teaspoon in the main dish does the trick. I know that's quite a lot ;D Salt won't effect the smell obviously but yes, I think a fair whack of salt is paramount to reproducing the BIR taste.
So I'd say rather skimp- on the lemon juice.
Let there be light!