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I had already seen this but got bored with the usual whiney nonsense from the trade that they have to have staff from Bangladesh or wherever or they just can't run their businesses. It's just a ruse to get people easily into this country.
You have a problem with people coming to this country to work....
Many of the skilled workers on whose expertise and experience my health (and even life itself) depends -- doctors, surgeons, dentists, etc. -- are themselves former immigrants (they no longer describe themselves as such, since they are now British by adoption) and I am, of course, profoundly grateful that they made the decision to, and were allowed to, migrate here.
But will the countries that all these surgeons, doctors, dentists etc are coming from ever make progress if richer counties like ours keep poaching them?
I do, and that's one reason why I voted for Brexit, I regret supporting curry houses if the price paid by future generations is a population shift which means the UK eventually votes to become an Islamic State and, even if it doesn't, simply becomes far too overcrowded - like hell on earth - not unlike the country most of these people couldn't wait to leave.