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If only a book like Julians had been available 20 or so years ago along with the instructional videos when many of us had begun our quest
The title refers to the secret. But is it still a secret or are you all chasing your own tales? Good luck to Julian with his book but if any of the previous books had truly delivered, why should there be so much interest in Julian's book, like it really is the breakthrough everyone has been waiting for. I don't understand. Is the consensus that previous books didn't really deliver what you are looking for? And, despite the excitement at the time, neither did the Fleet cooking lessons? Everyone must have their idea of the best-tasting dishes you've ever had in, or from, a BIR. Are you saying that NONE of the previous books, or recipes on this forum or tips picked up from the Fleet lessons have quite got you there but you hope that Julian's book will finally deliver or get you closer? Or that you simply enjoy buying a new book, even if it's no great breakthrough? Fair enough, I guess.
SD your gonna have to write a book, you'd make a fortune You funny bugger ;D ;D
Here here, definitely. I've bought a printer today to have this to hold after really enjoying the read. Shame the 121 pages will not fit into the binder, doh! Busy kitchens all around I think!
Well you make laugh and I think it would be fair to say the forum would be a duller place with out youNow what else can get you to buy Mmmm . To be fair I wont feel part of this forum until I start posting pitures need a camera looking at the Nikon D300s