Fabulous. Once in a lifetime stuff. The nearest I have got to Japanese food was a long time ago, at a conference in the US (Boston). A group of Japanese delegates invited me back to their hotel for some food. It was different, but amazing. To this day I am not sure if they found the food there somewhere, or brought their own with them and somehow put it together themselves. Was so good though.
More recently (still a long time ago) I almost went to a Japanese restaurant here in Birmingham city centre. It was a friend's work leaving do. I had an invite but couldn't make it. Spoke to him the next day. The food was great, but turns out he had one too many and decided to pay the entire bill for everyone present, and they let him. I think it was around 500 sheets, plus the tip. I felt for him. Had I been there it would have something like, no way Steve, I am sure we all agree on paying individually. It's your day and it's been a memorable evening. Together, we must and insist on covering your tab and the tip. We would also like to buy you a round and have a toast, or two, it's been a privilege working with you. I knew all of this group. Would have been interesting to watch the faces of those who ordered the most expensive starters on the menu (often two) and the pricey main course and multiple cocktails. Without fail, these would be the first to suggest, hey, let's spit the bill. Everyone agrees.
Anyway, rant over, where was I? Yes, incredible experience Robbo. I bet those skewers were something else. Was in London recently and that kind of money (most I would have ever paid too) gets cheap and cheerful. It's mad. I read recently that, depending on the event, the O2 arena can demand £17.50 for a 330 ml bottle of beer. Not sure if this is true, but would not be surprised if it is. Birmingham these days is trying its best to keep up too. There is a nice looking fish & chip shop near me. Walk past it regularly and have to wobble my head looking at the menu. You would soon get through your US 40 here. The cheapest item on the menu is £0.99. For this nominal amount you will get, and they make it clear, a "single" potato wedge. I also saw, on the kid's menu, 5 chicken nuggets with fries and a can of pop, for £7.80. These days, I increase my pace when walking past this chippy. Last thing I noticed on the menu was a "bottle of vinegar". £2.80! Could be Sarson's original malt 569 ml, but I will never find out

Great post Robbo. Keep them coming.