I have posted a measurements conversion list in the Hints & Tips Section, which I think a lot of people are missing. I must update it with your 'Chef's Pinch'
It is great that you have done this CP, but who is to say that your idea of "a ladle" is the same as another person's? We have seen that there are numerous ladle sizes and each person's opinion, on what "a ladle" means, differs! And often by a significant amount!
Although it is a useful guide, I believe it is best (and clearer) that the recipe poster clarifies their measuring units in their post.
There are some who are quite happy with generalisations, but they are cooks who have a lot/some of experience and are comfortable with cooking by eye and nose
With respect CP, I see this as being less about "cooking experince" and more about "clear communication". If specifying "ladles" is ambiguous (and it clearly is), and specifying volumes (in established and unambiguous units) is clearer (which it unarguably is), then we should rather favour the latter...IMHO.
As I see it, this thread is a general statement about using "ladles" as a measuring unit and not about Andy, nor about any other particular individual, on the forum?