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Should all BIR chefs have to demonstrate competence in the use of Excel before being allowed to practice ?!
Sigh. I had a wonderful pot of Syed's base sitting on the stove. Yesterday evening, as I do every few days, I turned on its plate at 20% and left it to come up to temperature, for sterilisation purposes. Then I went to bed ...** Phil.
Mmmmm. That's something you wouldn't want to do too often. How's your casserole dish looking?
Micro cook of Syed's Base Gravy. Yield 900 ml cooked in a 6" SS pot. Enough for probably 4 single serve dishes of 3 to share after further dilution as Base Gravy and then reduction in the dish cooking. If you are going to use the Makhani Gravy or Korma Gravy as well it will go even further.I cooked this for 30 minutes after it stopped frothing, at which point Syed says it is ready. There was some scum surfacing, no clean oil separation but the surface did start to glisten.
I am about to start on a "micro" quantity using a single onion @ 200 g chopped, a very small potato @ 80 g (actually 2/3 of the smallest one I have) and 1/3 of a medium carrot at 50 g. It will be approximately 1/6 full size so all other ingredients will be scaled directly to 1/6 of the quantities listed above.