Author Topic: 357 Mad Dog Pepper Extract.....  (Read 1770 times)

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Offline 976bar

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357 Mad Dog Pepper Extract.....
« on: January 16, 2014, 09:00 PM »
 My son in law came home with a bottle of this tonight and asked me to try it, I thought why not.....

He dipped the end of a cocktail stick into the bottle and gave it to me with the tiniest drop on the end....

WOW  :o :o :o :o :o :'( :'( :'(

My mouth went numb and my throat caught fire!!!!!

This stuff is made with 6 million scoville....... Pepper Extract

I believe he got it from Amazon who apparantly had a chilli challenge.

Dave (Curryhell) not sure if you have heard of this stuff, but I think it will cure you're addiction for hot curries  ;D

Offline curryhell

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Re: 357 Mad Dog Pepper Extract.....
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2014, 09:24 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D
You really should have known better Bob  :-\ .  In future just try the residue on the cocktail stick  ::)  There are a host of very hot bottled extracts on the market now days, ranging from rocket fuel to napalm to bottled lava.  Bengali Bob uses one in his Naga Viper phall.
Whilst i have to agree they add heat to a dish, some of them can also taint the flavour.  You're probably thinking........... but what the **** can you possibly taste anyway in a very hot dish. Only chilli heads can explain that one  :D
Whilst I have three such additives in the fridge, I never use them with any regularity.  I prefer my hot dishes to have derived their heat from natural ingredients commonly found in the BIR kitchen.  Although i've a sneaking suspicion that some BIR's have a bottle of something to sort out Mr Macho on a Friday night after a few too many stellas  ;D  But should anybody request i cook a curry so hot they can't eat it all, rest assured the little bottles will come into to play and will win the day  ;)
I think they just ruin a really good hot tasty curry where the flavour is impossible to taste due to the extreme heat imparted by the extract.  Just my opinion  though :)

Offline 976bar

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Re: 357 Mad Dog Pepper Extract.....
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2014, 09:29 PM »
;D ;D ;D
You really should have known better Bob  :-\ .  In future just try the residue on the cocktail stick  ::)  There are a host of very hot bottled extracts on the market now days, ranging from rocket fuel to napalm to bottled lava.  Bengali Bob uses one in his Naga Viper phall.
Whilst i have to agree they add heat to a dish, some of them can also taint the flavour.  You're probably thinking........... but what the **** can you possibly taste anyway in a very hot dish. Only chilli heads can explain that one  :D
Whilst I have three such additives in the fridge, I never use them with any regularity.  I prefer my hot dishes to have derived their heat from natural ingredients commonly found in the BIR kitchen.  Although i've a sneaking suspicion that some BIR's have a bottle of something to sort out Mr Macho on a Friday night after a few too many stellas  ;D  But should anybody request i cook a curry so hot they can't eat it all, rest assured the little bottles will come into to play and will win the day  ;)
I think they just ruin a really good hot tasty curry where the flavour is impossible to taste due to the extreme heat imparted by the extract.  Just my opinion  though :)

I have to agree with you there Dave, bottled sauces like that normally taint the flavour of a good curry. I could not believe the strength of this sauce compared to the minutest slither I had on the end of that stick. My son in law was telling me that he had heard some US army guy was given a bet to drink half a bottle of the stuff, which he stupidly did and ended up in hospital, lucky to be alive  ;D ;D


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