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Messages - Chilli Prawn

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Just Joined? Introduce Yourself / Hi from Chilli Prawn
« on: December 09, 2010, 02:38 PM »
Just popped in to see how things were going and t say hello to old friends and new members.  Got my life back together now (since my wife died) but no longer cooking curries etc., for a living... phew :-\ ::).  Keep up the good work y'all.. oh and have you guys decided which is the best base yet?  ;D

Lets Talk Curry / Re: medium curry for 20 - base method?
« on: October 17, 2007, 05:07 PM »
Hi mate, not been around here for some time.  Cant send you reply on PM because the system has blocked me from doing so.  Go for the large portion mix, use what you want, and freeze the rest (that is what I do)  Good luck

Just Joined? Introduce Yourself / Re: Chicken Capsilla
« on: January 29, 2007, 03:12 PM »
Never heard of it OG.  But welcome to the Forum anyway.

Lets Talk Curry / Re: Andy's Recipes
« on: January 29, 2007, 03:09 PM »
How are you in a position to comment on all of he's posts then?  Look through them your there every single time "biggin it up", you on his payroll or something as I can't see why else you would be doing it? 

By the way when you do get round to trying them I would give the paste a miss as it's muck  :P


Quite simply because I am in avery good position to take a qualified viewof his recipes without tasting them because unlike you I have been an Asian cook for a lot longer than you have been on this planet.  And yes I do praise Andy, and anyone else, that provide constructive input and criticism for that matter.  As a moderator I would have expected you to set a good example on this Forum, but once again you have decsended in to trash and offence.  Maybe it is we who should be suspicious of who you really are.

I do not wish to get in a slanging match with you CK, so I will butt out of this thread.


Lets Talk Curry / Re: Andy's Recipes
« on: January 29, 2007, 12:51 PM »


Please tell us.... actualy don't bother, somethings not quite right here but to be honest I don't really care.   Keep it up though as CP seems to think your the new messiah, even though he hasn't tried a single recipe of yours, funny that  ::)


CK I guess you missed an earlier post of mine where I clearly said I am taking a back seat for a while to finish my house and get it ready for sale.  Plus, it would be unfair on Andy if there was another raging debate on UCB and its associated  recipes.  I don't think Andy is any way or shape a new messiah it was just a bit of humour; but he is working hard to provide information to those who want it.  As for trying his stuff, I definitely will as soon as I can get the buliders, decorators, and plumbers out of my way so I can cook seriously again.  Please don't jump to conclusions, I really am not Elvis (just a distant relation ;D)


Lets Talk Curry / Re: Andy's Recipes
« on: January 29, 2007, 11:46 AM »
I should imagine that a lot of aspiring BIR chefs search the recipe sites and Forums for ideas and inspiration, so I don't really find this odd.  Lets face it this is how any cooking evolves; by exploiting/sharing ideas and recipes.  Just look at any Indian cookery book and you will find identical or very close copies all over the place.  So I am happy to think this is coincidence CK; anyway I am not in to conspracy theories  ;D  I am sure Elvis had no hand in this (he was a burger man anyway ::)) But..... if he is 'M' where is 007 then, aaaargh ;D

Hey CK, it was for effort not results, but I take your point.  No I haven't, in fact I am too busy tied up with finishing off the house to get back up to speed with my own biz ::) ::).  I will though.

Well folks, I tried it (just hope the BIR police don't arrest me :o)  It was very pleasant, nice flavour, no heat, and well like by my family; also a good one for those with youngsters wanting to start them off on the curry road.  On the otherhand I think it would make a good curry powder to add to a base mix albeit a wee bit expensive for that purpose.


Cooking Equipment / Re: Pans
« on: January 28, 2007, 03:04 PM »
Thought so  ;D ;D  they are so much better.  i bought my favorite from an Asian wholesaler in Southall; it is made of the same steel as woks, but a heavier gauge. Thanks Andy.


Trainee Chefs / Beginners Questions / Re: Adding Water ?
« on: January 28, 2007, 02:43 PM »
Hi KP, see this

It is confusing and there is no strict rule as it does vary between BIRs, and cooks in general.  However I have tried to explain in this section what effect water has on the spices, which should help you make you own judgement on the results of tour cooking.  If in doubt add milk!

Good luck!

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