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Messages - redman1212

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I've had a quick flick through my recipe files and these are some of my favourites

CA Sheek kebab
CA mild base, ChewwyTikka 1 hour pressure cooker base or Sober Rats base (I finds all of these are good, and not that different)
A modified version of CA pilau rice
Chapatti (cannot remember the author)
ChewwyTikka/Sober Rat Madra
Loveitspicey Chicken Rogan Josh
Tarka dal (not sure who to attribute this to, just a simple dal)

CA features a couple of times. He left before I joined but many of the recipes he post give good results


Talk About Anything Other Than Curry / Re: Is CRO as a forum finished.
« on: December 11, 2017, 04:03 PM »
As littlechilli said I use a mixed powder (I forget which one currently) augmented with individual spices based on the dish. I find such a powder convenient to use

I know the forum is quiet but I don't want to see it fold. Whilst the meals I cook are probably inferior to some of the dished you see posted on the forum they are infinitely better than you get use a jar of sauce from a supermarket. One thing I have nailed is the rice, with separate fluffy grains each time (again so much better than the rice porridge I have been served by family members in the past)

Pictures of Your Curries / Re: ChewyTikkas Chicken Chaat 2017
« on: October 19, 2017, 01:22 PM »
Exactly - how much is a splash... I will work on 200ml



Pictures of Your Curries / Re: ChewyTikkas Chicken Chaat 2017
« on: October 18, 2017, 09:02 AM »
Looks tremendous Chewy. How much base did you use in total?

Lets Talk Curry / Re: Tom Puree v Blended Plum Toms
« on: September 07, 2017, 09:44 AM »
For the base I tend to use passatta. For the actual curry I will use tomato puree, watered down (typically 3-1). For the sort of curries I like to make (eg madras) I only need a small amount of tomato hence tomato puree from a tube is very convenient

Pictures of Your Curries / Re: Murgh Makhani (Butter Chicken)
« on: July 05, 2017, 10:20 AM »
Not a huge fan of butter chicken, but that looks lush  ;)

Lets Talk Curry / Re: That smokey background flavour
« on: June 30, 2017, 09:54 AM »
Hi SS - does your dump it all in method include all the base?

Just Joined? Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi all . .
« on: June 29, 2017, 12:46 PM »
Hello and welcome to the forum ;D

Lets Talk Curry / Re: Cracked it!
« on: May 22, 2017, 09:39 AM »
So VE can provide some more information (quantities, addition times etc) so we can give your version of vindaloo a try

Pictures of Your Curries / Re: May Day curry session
« on: May 03, 2017, 11:42 AM »
Hi Rob,
      looks fantastic as ever. You often turn out multiple dishes at the same time. I've often wondered how do you serve everything hot? Pre-make and warm in an oven, back in a pan for a few minutes, microwave? Just before serving I tend to be finalising starters, so for a big family meal a while ago I put the dishes in a low oven covered in foil, although that did dry them out a bit. So what's your approach?


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