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Messages - DeeDee

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Just Joined? Introduce Yourself / Re: My 1st post
« on: November 20, 2005, 03:52 AM »
Hello and welcome fellow newbie!

Apart from a cheery hello all I was going to say is that I'd be sunk without the blender.  The "wise ones" may know better than me but I think it's a "must have item".



Just Joined? Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello :)
« on: November 20, 2005, 03:50 AM »
Hello there Steve!

I'll let the Spice Gods give you an official welcome, but please accept my newbie welcome all the same.

As for your question about base curry sauce you can use the sauce for a range of curries.

Peeps here recommend the Kris Dhillon base sauce ... GO SEE THE "Kris Dhillon Curry Gravy" topic in the "CURRY SAUCE" sub-section of the "BRITISH INDIAN RESTAURANT" section ... but I'm new round here so I've been using the Holy Grail sauce ...

From this base I've made a Lamb Dupiaza, a Lamb Jalfrezi, a Chicken Jalfrezi and a Chicken Korma in the last two weeks (and I just made a 16 portion amount of base tonight for the next few experiments!!)

Elsewhere on this site there is a link to download and print out the Kris Dhillon "book" of recipes.  I'm about to dive in there.  As to what to make first, once you've got the base you can go anywhere you like really ... but of course I'm bound to suggest a Jalfrezi!



Talk About Anything Other Than Curry / Re: Best Beer?
« on: November 17, 2005, 07:07 PM »
Sorry, but "beer" is too vague ...

What I mean is that Ale is wrong, Bitter is wrong, Stout is wrong but Lager is perfect.

Carlsberg is more perfect than anything else.

For a beer for people who don't drink beer try Lindemans Framboise ...

... the ladies LOVE it and it's often rated as one of the top fives drinks on the planet.? It's a wonderful drink.



Just Joined? Introduce Yourself / Re: NYC ... New Yawk Curries!!
« on: November 17, 2005, 03:32 AM »
Seems like there are two Les Halles. One way downtown on John Street ...

and the other north on Park Ave ...

(on the East side about 5 blocks south the Empire State Building for King Kong fans) 

I used to be a Catering Manager of Private Parties for Cipriani here in NYC so I know all about what goes on behind closed kitchen doors!  As a punter I prefer NOT to know!



Just Joined? Introduce Yourself / Re: NYC ... New Yawk Curries!!
« on: November 16, 2005, 04:00 PM »
Florida ... yikes .. run screaming.? They have good tho' expensive Chinese cooking (China Grill) but I never found any good Indian.

The real BIR-style food is in NYC.

An ultra-quick tour of New York City:

We have five Boroughs (if you lsiten to the last Beastie Boys CD you'll know that!)

1. Manhattan:
Tourist: The bit you know, visit and shop in, Times Square, Empire State, Ground Zero, East Village etc etc
BIR Rating: Generally pricey but there's definately good stuff there.

2. Bronx:
Tourist: The "scary" Black and Latino area from Kojak. Home of the New York Yankees and the Bronx Zoo.
BIR Rating: Some diamonds, lot of rough.

3. Statan Island:
Tourist: Isn't that the place where they used to dump all the trash? Yes.
BIR Rating: Oh, please!

4. Brooklyn:
Tourist: The above-road train track from The Warriors and The French Connection, Russians at Brighton Beach. Cooler than Manhattan.
BIR Rating: Better Pizza than Manhattan, but can't get close to Queens' curries.

5. Queens:
Tourist: Shea Stadium, La Guardia Airport, the big globe from Men In Black, where The Ramones flunked school.
BIR Rating: Aha! You have arrived! Look no further!

I'll do detailed reviews as we go along but that's the city in a nutshell ...



Yeah, did the whole nine yards.  I ended up with about six months of onion paste and two meals of base.  :o

What I found totally amazing (being relatively green to REAL cooking) is that the base has almost no curry taste whatsoever.  The onion sure, but the toms base is almost bland.

I think the "wow, fresh taste" comes from the fact that you lob in the secret spice mix and onion paste minutes before you eat.

Bloody awesome and totally worth it.  I will be trying recipes from this forum but that Holy Grail page will take some beating!



PS. The LOOK of this recipe in the pan is worth the price of admission alone ... obviously when I say 'the pan' I don't mean, well you know ...  ;)

Stealing wholesale from Natco-online website  ... ... but this recipe is dead easy and is pretty perfect.  My comments are in [[brackets]]

Pilau Rice [[Mix it and leave it Recipe!]]

Fill and switch on your kettle
Whilst this is happening heat up a little oil in a pan that comes with a tight fitting lid [[I use about one teaspoon of oil for two 3oz portions. Careful, it could get too oily!!]]
Allow 3oz of BASMATI rice per person (weigh it!!! And it must be basmati ? nothing else works! You can also be boring and soak the rice in water first but I never bother) [[note that 3oz of rice is a small portion per person]]
Salt to taste
2 green cardamom pods (split open slightly) per rice serving
1 whole clove per serving

When the oil is warm, add the raw rice and spices together [[stir! stir! stir!]]
Mix well, ensuring the rice gets coated in the oil ? don?t worry if it starts to turn white
Turn down the heat to minimum
Quickly pour the boiled water into a measuring jug
(allow double the fl oz of water to the rice weight)  ie for 4 portions: 12 oz of rice and 24 fl oz of boiled water. [[so for two 3oz portions you do 12fl oz of water]]
Stir everything around to stop any sticking and place the lid on securely
Cook for 12 minutes on the lowest heat setting [[should only need to check it once!]]
After 12 minutes take from heat and leave for another 12 minutes (do not remove the lid ? the steam will continue to cook the rice!!!)

Later take the lid off and you can add a drop or two of food colouring for that restaurant effect ( I use a drop of red at one end of the pot and a drop of green at the other ? leave for a while and then mix through the white rice for a realistic effect) [[how cool is that?!]]

I would normally make the rice first and, while it is resting, knock up the curry sauce.  The rice stays hot like this for a couple of hours if you don?t keep removing the lid and let the steam escape!)

This recipe will give impressive results if you measure/time things accurately.

(For plain boiled rice, omit the spices and food colouring).

[[only thing to add, and apologies for singing to the choir on this, is that rice cooks on the plate so almost done in the pan is done on the table!]]

Just Joined? Introduce Yourself / NYC ... New Yawk Curries!!
« on: November 16, 2005, 02:58 AM »
Dear all,

Damien from New York City signing in and saying hello!  Any friend of curry is a friend of mine.  Been living here since 2000.  Previous to that I lived in Southall, West London, one of the centers of Curry in the UK.

I'm an avid cook and I'm really excited to see this fab site, the pictures and the recipes ....

Jalfrezi is the one for me, but my wife prefers Rogan Josh.

Stay tuned for NYC Restaurant reviews.  There are some great places here, most of them in Queens of course, where I live!!!



Sure you know this page over at Natco-Online ....

It's excellent, but takes some time.? Just like you buy in as Restaurant ...

I swear by it.? Great stuff!

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