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Quote from: Secret Santa on March 10, 2013, 12:56 PMIt is a bad thing and I wish you'd stop doing it please! It is a bad thing /in your opinion/, Santa : an opinion to which you are completely entitled and with which I completely disagree.** Phil.
It is a bad thing and I wish you'd stop doing it please!
The fact that you're the only one doing this Phil amongst a forum of several thousand should give you a clue as to which of us is right!
Quote from: Secret Santa on March 10, 2013, 01:15 PMThe fact that you're the only one doing this Phil amongst a forum of several thousand should give you a clue as to which of us is right! And if you were to be the only driver doing less than 71 miles per hour on a British motorway, would you still argue that the majority are nonetheless right ?** Phil.
A number of people are complaining about seeing weird symbols. I've done a basic analysis and I think this is what's going on: In the past, most computers were using a simpler text encoding scheme (ISO-8859-1) and these days most software would use a more robust and international encoding (utf-8). What happens is that prior to the forum upgrade sometime in december, the forum was storing and reporting the encoding to be in the old format (ISO-8859-1) and since the upgrade it is storing it in UTF-8, however, the server is not yet fully up to date with the new encoding and is communicating back still in the old encoding format (ISO-8859-1).Now, until `Admin` fixes it, there is a temporary workaround. For recipes that show weird characters, try changing the encoding to utf-8.For firefox users: menu View -> Character Encoding -> Unicode (UTF-8) For chrome users: File( alt+f )/Menu -> tools -> encoding -> Unicode (UTF-8) This will change those characters to the readable characters.The "auto-detect" feature in firefox doesn't seem to work properly, but give it a try and if it works for you, use it. Chrome's autodetect seems fine in the limited testing I've done.
I agree with SS that changes to thread titles mid-way through a thread are just plain misleading, and irritating. I wish I could do something about it but I can't.Admin - if you read this, and if you agree with SS and myself, is it possible for you to disable the thread title change option?
I totally agree that changing thread titles is a bad idea on this forum.If Admin can stop it so much the better.
I didn't read all that waffle Phil, I just think it is confusing and makes the forum harder to navigate.