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I can only second, third and fourth the above comments, natterjack. Sterling work bordering on sheer genius.My only caveat is that I don't own a slow cooker, dammit, so inevitably I find myself faced with further CRO-generated expenditure. (Cue the usual suspects with a raft of helpful suggestions tempting me to shell
Wow, what a breath of fresh air NJ, fantastic post and thanks for the credit.Great alternative method there, well done for sharing this for free, in keeping with the cR0 mission.But no doubt it will turn up in a ebook, as a new curry secret somewhere down the line.cheers Chewy
Hi NJWhat a tremendous post! absolutely superb effort.Must give this a try. Thanks for taking the time to thoroughly document and present this.Regards
I'll be happy if a few people try this at some point and delighted if you feel it's better than your normal base, but would certainly be nervous about people rushing off to spend money on new appliances just so they can try it.