Author Topic: Upload your photos - Pictorial Guide  (Read 16301 times)

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Offline Razor

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Upload your photos - Pictorial Guide
« on: January 03, 2011, 10:53 PM »
Hi guy's,

The question of how to upload photos often gets asked by new members.  I find it difficult to explain it to them at times, and so I've come up with this pictorial guide, which hopefully, will make things clear.

I would suggest reading the post thoroughly before proceeding!

Please Note: Before you upload any pictures using the imaging host, please ensure that you have resized your picture, typically to 800px in the longer dimension.

Once you have opened up two tabs (as explained below) the first tab should be used to start off your post, and the second tab, should contain the imaging host site!

Here goes;

From the home page, click on 'Pictures of you curries'

Now click on the 'Readme' post

Now click on the link in the readme post

This window should now pop up

Now save this link in your favorites

Now, open up another tab on your browser

And select cr0 imaging host from your favorites list

You should now have two tabs open, one with your topic in it, and the other with the cr0 imaging host in it!

Now you are ready to upload pictures.  Select the image hosting tab and click where indicated on the screen shot

A window of your picture files should now open

Now, select your picture, and click the 'Open' tab

Next, click the upload button on the imaging host screen

This window should now appear.  Follow the instructions on the next two screen shots

Now, click back to your topic tab, and follow the next screen shots

You should now see a link to your picture in your post, but to see how it will look in your post on the forum, click the preview button, and scroll up.

You may wish to use the standard shortcuts to copy and paste. Ctrl c = copy, Ctrl v = paste, however, use whichever method you are familiar with!

Sorry for the quality of the screen shots, I was hoping that they would be much clearer.  Hopefully though, this should give the general idea of what is needed to be done, if one wishes to add pictures to their posts.

Good luck,

Ray :)

« Last Edit: January 04, 2011, 05:15 PM by Razor »

Offline Peripatetic Phil

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Re: Upload your photo's - Pictorial Guide
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2011, 09:17 AM »
Good morning Ray : I think this is a great idea, but I also think that there are a couple of small improvements that are possible while you still have the "Modify" option.

1) Perhaps remind the user to first resize the picture, typically to 800px in the longer dimension.

2) The actual insertion of an image doesn't actually need any icon clicks at all; having copied the BB code from the CR0 imaging host, all that is necessary in order for that image to appear in a CR0 message is to paste it in (Ctrl-V).  No extra clicking or tags are necessary.

What do you think ?

** Phil.

Offline Razor

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Re: Upload your photos - Pictorial Guide
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2011, 05:17 PM »
Hi Phil,

Thanks for the suggestions.

I have amended the post slightly to reflect your observations.

Ray :)


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