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i'd thought fenugreek seed was sort of a bit aniseed.
have now wet finger tasted the methi powder i all ready have (from CA's aka) - it tastes for me worse than the leaf.
got round to trying a BIR take on Chaa006's recipe.i had a look at KD2 recipe which adds coconut milk. this may move it in the right direction. other than that i'm struggling to get it away from "madras". i feel i need to taste BIR version to get a better steer.
had real good fun trying it out. it's all part of the learning for me.s on my radar.
would like to get the cardamom flavour more into the dish. the intense taste from crunching one in the dish is for me - to die for. in the midlands. at least now it's on my radar.
I can still recollect to this day what an amazing sensation that was.
the intense taste from crunching one in the dish is for me - to die for.