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I've just searched for 12 recipes from the list Phil provided. Only 1 of these had the recipe. The Bulk North Indian Chicken Special - with Taz's Base.
One question, if I may Stephen ? Why have you decided to "make all [your] curries with Chicken Tikka" ?
Livo, I have one recipe typed up long ago that uses Taz base. I just entitled it ‘Taz Basic Curry’. Must’ve been ok for me if I typed it up -
Hi all if any recipes needed please give me a shout and will have a look, have all the Taz recipes, which are excellent and also the Cook4One recipes too which i have tried nearly all of them.I do still sell curries around 40-120 a week, better than the restaurant, that's what my customers say lol.CTM is my best seller by far making 20-30 every week.