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I am planning to attempt a "cull yaw" (= "culled ewe") dhansak in the very near future — call yaw pre-cook complete, only the final dish remains.
I get it from Great Cornish Foods (an independent annexe to Waitrose in Truro, Cornwall). But it can be ordered online and delivered, from/by Pipers Farm.
That’s a big NO from me. Making consistently decent curries, and the occasional beaut, but alas, not quite the BIR I miss from my UK life.
Like the title says - if you're able to consistently produce restaurant or takeaway-quality dishes with "the BIR taste", how are you doing it? Which recipes are you using? Any special preparations you make? And what's your cooking method like?(Personally I'm only able to produce "clone" curries occasionally, and I haven't narrowed down specific techniques yet. I can consistently make great curries but not all of them taste recognisably BIR.)