Author Topic: Pat Chapman Obituary  (Read 1159 times)

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Pat Chapman Obituary
« on: August 28, 2022, 10:14 PM »

Sad to see that Pat Chapman, founder of the curry club recently passed away.

Pat took a lot of stick from a lot of quarters but I don’t think he should be knocked as he did an awful lot to further the “Curry Cause” in the days before the widespread use of the internet.
I joined the curry club, founded in 1982, and had many of their periodical magazines which would be of great interest to reread today, just to see how things have changed. Unfortunately an ex wife binned them all at her earliest opportunity.

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Re: Pat Chapman Obituary
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2022, 10:35 PM »
When I first met my now wife, back in 1987, her father was already making his own curries and he had several of Curry Club magazine issues, so Pat Chapman's influence was far reaching.  I can't say I've ever pursued his output but I understand the importance of his work and dedication to the cause.


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