Author Topic: ++++MDB’s Birmingham Balti Gravy 100% Clone Al Frash Balti Restaurant ++++  (Read 163468 times)

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Offline Kashmiri Bob

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I'm enjoying your deep dive into the possible reasons behind "dodgy" batches of the MDB base Rob.  I do admire your conviction to your cause on this.  That doesn't mean though that even with a perfect batch of gravy and cooking exactly as per spec given by Mick that we are all going to think that the MDB balti is the greatest curry we will ever get to sample.  We all have our own ideas on what we think that is.
Regarding your observations so far, given cassia forms the bulk of spice used in the stock, it follows it will have the greatest influence. And yes, its quality will play a part on the concentration in the stock.  Unfortunately, its quality  cannot simply be judged by how fresh it is by the date on bag, so a test run on it does make sense.  Given you've identified that you are losing a lot of the cassia contribution during the simmering process, as well as the variable quality due to its "real" freshness, have you thought about doing the stock in a pressure cooker?  Sorry if i've just thrown in another curve ball for you to work on.  Looking forward to the next instalment  :smiling eyes:

Thanks for your reply CT.  I am encouraged :)  Agree we all have different thoughts on what may be considered the ultimate curry.  Nonetheless,  I maintain Mick's Balti is phenomenal,  it will take some beating, on this I am sure.  The pre-test cassia is from the same bag I plan to use for making a batch of MDB MKI.  The quality of the cassia  (indeed there are many variables) is, in this context, unimportant.  All I need to know is how sweet what I have in front of me is. Then I can decide on how to proceed.  I have used a pressure cooker to make the stock and gravy several times.  Testers too.  Found it useful, but will be sticking with the standard pan method from now on.  Anyway, stand by for part 2, with plenty of conjecture and subjective rambling.  I am in a good place with MDB MKI again though.  Really good.  The duds are history for me, neutralised, eliminated, never to return.  Well, I hope so. I can't think of anything more frustrating for me than getting Mick's recipe right (time after time) and then to be scuppered, repeatedly. It's just not fair :)


Offline Kashmiri Bob

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I have just re-read through every post on this topic.  It's great stuff with plenty banter and humour.  Not from me of course, because I am the serious type.  If anyone (remotely interested) finds the time, it is definitely worthwhile reading through again.  A lot of information here too and I will be drawing from this writing the second installment.  When it's done, you will see I have taken and expanded on ideas from Mick and others.  Trying to piece it all together.  I won't refer to, or reference, anyone specifically, but thanks in advance to everyone involved.  Part 2 will be entitled "Ruby".  Not fully decided yet what to call Part 3, which is mainly about pre- and post-testing the Ackni stock/cassia. Currently, a working title is, "A bra-full of strawberries", which gives an idea of where this is all going.


Offline JarvisMadras

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Just about to give this a go.
regarding the Chopped Tomato . . . are we talking fresh or tinned ?

Offline Kashmiri Bob

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Just about to give this a go.
regarding the Chopped Tomato . . . are we talking fresh or tinned ?

Tinned. Here are a couple of MDB balti dishes from this week. I like a fair bit of balti juice.


Online mickdabass

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Just about to give this a go.
regarding the Chopped Tomato . . . are we talking fresh or tinned ?

Hi JarvisMadras
For best results, try reducing the cooking time of the akhni stock to 20 minutes instead of the 1 hour in my original recipe

Thank you for giving it a try
Kind Regards



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