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I will see if I can find alternatives to create what I want.
One of the main ingredients of any stock, whether it is of the cube variety or whether it was lovingly home made like yours is the dreaded MSG. So if you aren't going to use the chicken stock then perhaps just a few pinches of MSG will add something?
I don't understand this statement, how can a home made stock have MSG in it unless we put it there?
Has anyone gone to a BIR that calls itself a "vegetarian restaurant" -- where no meat at all?is served?? Do their curries have "the flavor"?? If not, curry-jelly sure sounds like the answer.? Also, if the owner or chef is a practicing vegetarian, he might be more likely to rat on the competition that uses curry-jelly.?
Has anyone gone to a BIR that calls itself a "vegetarian restaurant" -- where no meat at all is served? Do their curries have "the flavor"?