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Topic: Chilli Grow 2021 (Read 22366 times)
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Jedi Curry Master
Posts: 2818
Re: Chilli Grow 2021
Reply #20 on:
June 07, 2021, 01:19 PM »
Do you have a recipe for your chilli sauce / pickle you'd like to share? I was considering Mr Choudhury's Naga pickle recipe, but if you have a good method I'd be glad to give it a try.
Robbo, or anybody, you're invited to share a good chilli sauce or pickle recipe if you have one. I have a feeling I'm about have quite a few excess chillis.
Indian Master Chef
Posts: 436
Re: Chilli Grow 2021
Reply #21 on:
July 05, 2021, 03:38 PM »
Sorry livo, missed this post last month. I don’t have any pickle or sauces recipes I’m afraid. I did pay 20 USD for a small jar of Mr. Naga and it is excellent.
Back to the thread…my planted pots are doing well. My jalapeño plant is 5 feet high and over 30 fruit so far. I read that to get more heat, water the plant a bit less, to stress it out.
My fresh coriander was a bit short lived but apparently it likes cooler temps. This mess is what it looks like when it goes to seed.
Not sure how long I should leave these before harvesting, or if they go brown and then I pick them, or what. Some research to do but growing my own coriander seeds for grinding is something I’d love to do.
And finally, my first hot cayenne has arrived. We have 2 plants going, each about 2 ft high so hopefully a nice crop around august time.
Happy growing everyone.
Jedi Curry Master
Posts: 2505
Re: Chilli Grow 2021
Reply #22 on:
July 15, 2021, 08:55 PM »
Hungarian Hot Wax and Thai Hot coming along nicely.
Jedi Curry Master
Posts: 2818
Re: Chilli Grow 2021
Reply #23 on:
July 15, 2021, 11:39 PM »
Looking good there Garp. Nice healthy plants. I'm about to go through another Polar Blast over the weekend so I could see a bit of a downturn. Surprisingly, some of my plants have kept producing through the first half of winter. Others haven't done so well.
Indian Master Chef
Posts: 436
Re: Chilli Grow 2021
Reply #24 on:
August 21, 2021, 07:17 PM »
Well, my jalapeño plant is the gift that keeps on giving. It’s taller than me and I honestly can’t keep up. Must be over 100 fruit picked so far. I’ve left a good number on the plant till they turned red and they are killer hot. So in a very productive day, Mrs. Robbo pickled a few for me and I made fresh garlic-ginger paste and a new small batch of garam masala.
Taz base defrosting already and it’s curry night tonight. Happy weekend everyone.
Jedi Curry Master
Posts: 2818
Re: Chilli Grow 2021
Reply #25 on:
September 05, 2021, 02:58 AM »
This years early birds. 92% germination from 100 Byadgi seeds and close to the same from the Jumbo Lal Mirch. Seed I collected from last year. I have put about another 100 of mixed variety in soil last weekend and about 300 plants survived over winter. Most of these have now been pruned right back and have started to produce new growth.
Edit: additional. I'm experimenting with tipping out plants this time around. I didn't tip any plants last year, but I've found that some varieties grow bushy by themselves, while others get really leggy if you don't give them a serious chop. Some of my over-wintered plants were broken by birds and weather impact. They appear to have benefitted from this damage. Over-winter means cut them back severely for new growth. The plants I've cut really hard appear to be doing better. Still learning.
Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 10:19 AM by livo
Indian Master Chef
Posts: 436
Re: Chilli Grow 2021
Reply #26 on:
September 05, 2021, 01:58 PM »
That’s a whole lot of plants livo. Do you get through all the fruit you grow? Those I don’t eat or cook fresh either end up smoked / dehydrated and ground to powder or more recently pickled.
Picked these cayennes and jalapeños yesterday. Going to smoke the jalapeños to make chipotles today. Got some lovely looking poblanos coming too. End of summer always a great time.
Jedi Curry Master
Posts: 2818
Re: Chilli Grow 2021
Reply #27 on:
September 05, 2021, 07:33 PM »
Yeah, it is a lot Robbo and the missus says I'm crazy.
Last season the birds did for a lot, I gave plenty away, ate some, dehydrated and powdered quite a bit and turned some into the Ver Tikki (which are great). The green chilli I ate yesterday morning are some of the last from the season. Although, some haven't stopped right over winter. In pruning back hard recently, I actually chopped heaps of buds, flowers and small pods but I think it was the right way to go for better growth. I've given all the pruned plants a high nitrogen diet and I've still got a few to go yet. It's a lot of work.
Jedi Curry Master
Posts: 2818
Re: Chilli Grow 2021
Reply #28 on:
November 18, 2021, 10:45 PM »
Some of my plants are now coming into good flower with many having chilli on already. Some didn't really stop over the winter. The Purple Naga Jolokia are prolific and hot even before they ripen to red. Last count I think I'm up to about 500 plants. Running out of bigger pots and room to put them so I think I've reached capacity.
I now need to work out some bird netting to try to protect them a bit more this season.
I've ended up with some interesting crosses from germinating last year's harvested seeds. I've now got some plants that came from the purple parent plant last year that have developed white flowers and chillis that resemble the Lal Mirch and also the Rajah.
Jedi Curry Master
Posts: 2505
Re: Chilli Grow 2021
Reply #29 on:
November 20, 2021, 11:02 AM »
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