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My Mistake Livo its 2.5kg 2.2Ltrs, and it has no oil, its the Kashmiri Paste (2.5)kg that has the oil, re pics i sent them on page 1
Try amazon. 2.2 kg
British Corner Shop sells Tandoori Spice Marinade 312 g that appears to be the same as your UK catering size Tandoori Paste.https://www.britishcornershop.co.uk/pataks-tandoori-paste
I most definitely did not think this would result in this level of activity. I did not foresee Patak's to be so fragmented in their products. But most of all I am surprised that anyone actually cares
Who would have thought that a company like Pataks would produce multiple variations of a single "flavour"? I wonder if their other pastes follow the same pattern? Hmmm? Nah. Not going there.