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Topic: pre cooked veg from the takeaway (Read 3144 times)
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Curry Spice Master
Posts: 845
pre cooked veg from the takeaway
January 11, 2016, 03:29 PM »
Last night I managed to watch the chef prepare his pre cooked mushrooms.It was quite simple,and he used a similar technique to cook his mixed veg last week.Hopefully I'll catch him doing his pre cooked potatoes soon,he told me that they were done in the same manner.Anyway this is how he did his mushrooms.
First,he had a big container of chopped mushrooms which were blanched in water(.I'm guessing about 3 kilos).Then in a big pan he put in a chef's spoon of mixed veg oil/ghee.He heated this then added a spoon of blended ginger garlic together with a spoon of blended plum tomatoes.In the pan went half a spoon of cumin powder and the same of turmeric.Also added was about a quarter of salt and a teaspoon of panch poran.This was cooked for about 5 minutes max and then transferred to a big tray under the counter.
The mixed veg was done in a very similar way,the same ingredients but with a little water added and the veg added at various times depending on their cooking times.The potatoes are also done this way,but instead of panch poran added the chef adds cumin seeds.Neither the mix veg or potatoes are blanched beforehand.
Spice Master Chef
Posts: 705
Re: pre cooked veg from the takeaway
Reply #1 on:
January 19, 2016, 08:17 PM »
Thanks for sharing the info.
Jedi Curry Master
Posts: 3237
Re: pre cooked veg from the takeaway
Reply #2 on:
January 19, 2016, 09:08 PM »
The greatest surprise for me here, is that the chef goes to the trouble of prepping his mushrooms
Although i've read about some places using tinned and some blanching them in water with a dash of turmeric, I would have assumed, wrongly that these were rarely pre-cooked.
I struggled to see the advantage of doing this with mushrooms. But on thinking about it, they do release a lot of liquid and by prepping, this would prevent would could be an issue. Still not 100% convinced but i'm sure the chef wouldn't go to the trouble unless there was a very valid reason. Mushroom bhaji is now on the order as well for tomorrow
Spice Master Chef
Posts: 705
Re: pre cooked veg from the takeaway
Reply #3 on:
September 11, 2017, 07:20 AM »
I'm gonna pre-cook some potatoes and carrots following this method so I can add them to my already cooked and frozen curry sauce portions and make quick veggie curries. I wonder what other veggies should feature in a veggie curry. When I've ordered them in restaurants before it has seemed like a supermarket bag of mixed frozen veg was used, as peas, sweetcorn, etc were all in there...Thanks for the method JB.
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pre cooked veg from the takeaway
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