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Yes I am, too many hours gaming in the distant past..
For what it's worth I've been able to download the actual Panorama images - you can view them in Windows Image Viewer but not in any other program. They are not JPEGs despite having such a file ending. No idea what type of file they are, the linux "file" utility just says "data".Anyway, try them in Windows Viewer:https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2277492/panorama_images.zipIf you figure out the real format these were created with then you might be able to export them to a video format.
For what it's worth I've been able to download the actual Panorama images - you can view them in Windows Image Viewer but not in any other program. They are not JPEGs despite having such a file ending. No idea what type of file they are, the linux "file" utility just says "data".
What a beautiful place to live. Where is it? Most of us can dream only of visiting such a location for a couple of weeks a year, if we're lucky.