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Try contacting these people, Paul -- they may be able to help : http://www.aryadijital.com/** Phil.
You just pipped me to it Phil.
I would have been quicker but I was still trying to work out what the hell last night's beer-inspired rant was about ** Phil.
Anyway Paul, as Phil mentioned you'll probably be better of contacting the company because, I think I'm correct in saying, although its a video, its really a panoramic photograph played in a Flash program. Not unlike those online 'Flipping Books' where you turn the pages on the screen. It should run in a stand alone program as most things like that do. I'll try and have a look this week sometime and see it I can get it running by itself although I've never tried one of these yet. Should be fun but i like the challenge.
Hi,I am recording at the moment. I will upload it using my dropbox later. Some of the links from room to room might not work...(I don't know) The recording is good though. If it is too big and I lose quality when I make the file smaller I can give you my software to diy it.(assuming you want it and can't get a copy)