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Hi Everyone have a couple of questions I just found this http://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=267144449 in my local Tesco store do you think it will be ok.
Hi iceman, thanks for the thumbs up. Go for frozen garlic and ginger, much better and very cheap/good valuehttp://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=265761689http://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=265762135I blanch peppers, to combat tough skin, especially green, but not alwaysMost BIR curries are cooked Bhuna style, just depends how saucy you like it.Here's my old vid of a restaurant pickle curry, cooked Bhuna style/fairly dry .A nice Bhuna even without the pickle, if you haven't got any.https://vimeo.com/24117518cheers Chewy
...just put the chopped peppers in a micro dish, drizzle with a little olive or any oil put the lid on and set micro on half power/ 500 @ 2min. It kind of steam/frys and par cooks perfectly...