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I was genuinely interested in understanding why I find the s-word abhorrent but the c-word acceptable, and wondered whether other members of the forum experienced a similar reaction.
There are several members here who use four letter words and other bad language in passing, despite the rules. That's one thing
but you seem to have a fascination in analysing every facet of these words and seeing how far you can push things, like a teenager might. Why?
Geo's so-called moderator's thread is an outlet for his hypocrisy and no mistake- He is allowed to insult members of this forum in a locked thread.
'By the boys, for the boys. The boys know best.Leave it to them to pick the rotters outWith that rough justice decent schoolboys know."And at the end of term the victim left-Never to wear an old Marlburian tie.
I note in passing that you choose to remain oblivious to the fact that the Forum is littered with /real/ bad language, and despite my pointing out to you two blatant examples...
you are criticising me for getting rid of perhaps "only" 95% of the bad language.
Why not ask CH to trawl the forum or go back to examples you flag up? You're still speaking as if I have sole responsibility. You are being totally unreasonable.
No, George. I am criticising you...
Not sure if I'm right here George but to make things easier for youIets say there is a sweary sort of word that may be offensive to someone . But not to othersInstead of you deleting and may be wasting your time . And then somtimes getting abusewhy not wait for a complaint first Then delete .Then your as. ... bottom is coveredjust a thought to make your life easierMt