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Pictures of Your Curries / Re: Chicken Madras (old school)
« Last post by Peripatetic Phil on January 09, 2025, 10:51 AM »
However, after a fall (in public), whilst hurrying to work, I 'hurt' my right arm and a couple of ribs.. Ribs are fine.. arm not so much.. as I am reminded everytime I try to stir anything!

I fractured my spine in two places last year, BAJ (T12 / L4), so I know just how you feel and you have my heart-felt sympathy ...
Pictures of Your Curries / Re: Chicken Madras (old school)
« Last post by Bob-A-Job on January 09, 2025, 03:03 AM »
Happy New Year (wrong channel but I guess some will see)!

I used to use Madras as my 'I am running out of chicken for any other curries', if that makes sense? I make multi-servings of a type (Patala, Ceylon, Vindy) but when I get to the last and not quite enough for my next dish, then my go-to is Madras... so my containers/trays are never so full.

However, after a fall (in public), whilst hurrying to work, I 'hurt' my right arm and a couple of ribs.. Ribs are fine.. arm not so much.. as I am reminded everytime I try to stir anything!

So what you say? Well, Madras is/has been, my go to for the last few months as I can get away with the least 'stirring'. 

Still not a patch on Bob's but containers stain the same.. devil to clean :evil:

Talk About Anything Other Than Curry / A remarkable fact
« Last post by Peripatetic Phil on January 08, 2025, 07:02 PM »
Today there are more Indian restaurants in Greater London than in Delhi and Mumbai combined.

Lets Talk Curry / Re: BIR 1983
« Last post by Peripatetic Phil on January 08, 2025, 06:22 PM »
No hope, Rob, if they're led to believe that chips are a valid accompaniment to curries !
Lets Talk Curry / Re: BIR 1983
« Last post by Kashmiri Bob on January 08, 2025, 06:18 PM »
Bob, thank you so much for posting your mum's curry recipe. It brings back fond childhood memories of comfort food.

Reckon we were well fed back then. Unlike the current chicken nugget generation. Even the kids' menu at the TAs now just have nuggets, and more nuggets, or similar. I was pleased see, however, that after tracking down a TA that I used to go to many years back in the North West, they have a half portion of chicken korma (and chips) available, as an alternative to the nuggets, so there is still some hope for future generations.

Lets Talk Curry / Re: BIR 1983
« Last post by Peripatetic Phil on January 08, 2025, 06:14 PM »
Ah, squirrels — I love them !  Here's one of mine, looking distinctly chilly today ...

** Phil.
Lets Talk Curry / Re: BIR 1983
« Last post by Kashmiri Bob on January 08, 2025, 05:58 PM »
My mum's curry recipe from the early '70's.

And in exchange, my late mother's transcription of her late mother's recipe for Christmas Pudding — the truncated part would have read "Barley wine" before it was partially obscured by parcel tape ...  Better (IMHO) than any of today's commercial offerings, good tho' some are ...

** Phil.

That's one seriously rich Christmas pud recipe Phil. How it should be. Think I have another cooking notebook somewhere with mum's Christmas cake recipe. May be lost though. Could have been in the loft. Don't go there often these days. Not that long ago I could hear something scratching about. My neighbour insisted it was just house sparrows, so I ignored it, for several months.Turned out to be a scurry of squirrels. Loads of them. Absolutely trashed everything that was stored up there beyond recognition.


Lets Talk Curry / Re: BIR 1983
« Last post by Peripatetic Phil on January 08, 2025, 04:45 PM »
Oh yes, now you mention it, I do remember Vencats.  But the fact that it was "by Sharwoods" is little in the way of recommendation ... !
Lets Talk Curry / Re: BIR 1983
« Last post by Kashmiri Bob on January 08, 2025, 03:18 PM »
Distributed in the UK from 1893, apparently. Old India (Amazon) do a Vencat, but with not so many ingredients. Bhamcurry may be right though. I can just hear my mum saying, we'll try this cheap one first. It'll be just as good.

Rob :)
Lets Talk Curry / Re: BIR 1983
« Last post by Peripatetic Phil on January 08, 2025, 03:08 PM »
My mum's curry recipe from the early '70's.

And in exchange, my late mother's transcription of her late mother's recipe for Christmas Pudding — the truncated part would have read "Barley wine" before it was partially obscured by parcel tape ...  Better (IMHO) than any of today's commercial offerings, good tho' some are ...

** Phil.
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