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Pictures of Your Curries / Re: January BBQ (mini) 2
« Last post by Robbo141 on January 11, 2025, 05:32 PM »
Lovely winter warmers Rob. Nice.  Fancy some proper northern Cumberland sausages right now.
I tried doing our outdoor grill in winter last year and it was so cold the propane gas turned to liquid. Need to wait till the Chicago winter has passed or just make use of air fryer. 😊

Talk About Anything Other Than Curry / Re: A New Years tale...?
« Last post by Kashmiri Bob on January 11, 2025, 01:11 PM »
Ooh yes!  Count me in. It sounds exciting.

Pictures of Your Curries / January BBQ (mini) 2
« Last post by Kashmiri Bob on January 11, 2025, 01:09 PM »
Underway.  Spicy lemon and herb chicken.  Bramley apple pork sausages.


Talk About Anything Other Than Curry / A New Years tale...?
« Last post by Bob-A-Job on January 11, 2025, 02:21 AM »
I am going to title it as 'Heroes and Villains'.. was going to use 'Angel and Demons' but didn't want to cause any issues with IP, Probably :wink:

Anyway, let me know if you want a 'little' curry related Novella in which you have to decide who is right/wrong and (always a twist).. how many!

Lets Talk Curry / Re: BIR 1983
« Last post by Kashmiri Bob on January 10, 2025, 11:23 AM »
The Stranglers were still touring. Perhaps they still are.
Rob :)

Looks like it Rob  :wink:

No more heroes any more! I am a tad slow but got there in the end :)

Lets Talk Curry / Re: BIR 1983
« Last post by Kashmiri Bob on January 09, 2025, 05:32 PM »
The Stranglers were still touring. Perhaps they still are.
Rob :)

Looks like it Rob  :wink:

I hope your Heroes were full size. A lot of the confectionary old favourites seem to have shrunk these days. Just the other day a friend told me that Toblerone have reduced the number of their peaks.

Pictures of Your Curries / Re: Chicken Madras (old school)
« Last post by Kashmiri Bob on January 09, 2025, 02:09 PM »
So what you say? Well, Madras is/has been, my go to for the last few months as I can get away with the least 'stirring'. 

Yes, less stirring is the old way (old school) or part of it. I am pretty sure on this. Seen the technique in use at a TA, many times now. Minimal stirring of the gravy, hardly any, and the pan is not moved (or even touched) until the curry is finished. Convection is reduced (I think) and heat is retained. I expect there are more explanations.The crunch though is that this technique is not limited to just a madras.

Wishing you a speedy recovery from your injuries BAJ.


Lets Talk Curry / Re: BIR 1983
« Last post by Onions on January 09, 2025, 02:00 PM »
The Stranglers were still touring. Perhaps they still are.
Rob :)

Looks like it Rob  :wink:

Lets Talk Curry / Re: BIR 1983
« Last post by Kashmiri Bob on January 09, 2025, 12:42 PM »
Oh yes, now you mention it, I do remember Vencats.  But the fact that it was "by Sharwoods" is little in the way of recommendation ... !

I had no idea Sharwoods had been around for so long. I like the recipe in the Vencat advertisment. Not often you see one where the curry is cooked in an oven. Expect the great Ronnie Barker researched this for his Indian chef sketch. So (paraphrasing) where he adds, ... Or, you can cook it for 350 hours at 2 degrees F.

Rob :)
Lets Talk Curry / Re: BIR 1983
« Last post by livo on January 09, 2025, 11:14 AM »
Over here, my mum had the choice of either Clive of India or Keen's curry powder.  To this day I always keep a tin (now a cardboard tube) of Clive of India.  Sausage curry just isn't right if I use any other, although Keen's isn't too different.

I noticed your images were hosted KB, and tried imgbb but without actually creating an account. It didn't work. I'll try again, but surely the forum should work.  Admin???
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