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Lets Talk Curry / Re: Old School BIR recommendations in Central London
« Last post by Peripatetic Phil on December 17, 2024, 11:48 AM »
Of course, if you can manage to get down to Cornwall, I can give a 100%-confidence recommendation for the chicken curry in Moonlight Tandoori, Lostwithiel.  That really is just like going back to the 70's — sheer perfection (and a very friendly, older-generation, run establishment to boot).  BYOB, as the owners are Muslims and therefore do not serve (but permit) alcohol.
Lets Talk Curry / Re: Old School BIR recommendations in Central London
« Last post by jb on December 17, 2024, 11:08 AM »
Can only tell you where not to go....Brick Lane...went there some time ago and it was seriously not good at all.......
Lets Talk Curry / Re: Curry Gravy/Sauce
« Last post by mickdabass on December 17, 2024, 08:53 AM »
This a great discussion. Reminds me of the old saying:

It's better to burn out, than fade away....

Highlander (1986).


I think thats a quote from Neil Youngs  My My, Hey Hey (Out of the Blue) actually lol
Lets Talk Curry / Re: Old School BIR recommendations in Central London
« Last post by mickdabass on December 17, 2024, 08:48 AM »
Hi Josh
Nice to hear from you after all this time.
Good Luck and Seasons Greetings

Lets Talk Curry / Re: Old School BIR recommendations in Central London
« Last post by joshallen2k on December 17, 2024, 03:01 AM »
Thanks Phil. Appreciate the effort. Hoping someone else can help out an original curryhead.
Lets Talk Curry / Re: Old School BIR recommendations in Central London
« Last post by Peripatetic Phil on December 16, 2024, 11:29 PM »
I really wish I knew, J2K.  There was a time when I would swear by the Agra in Whitfield Street, but it's now owned by the next generation and seems to have completely lost the plot.  Over to others, I'm afraid.
** Phil.
Lets Talk Curry / Old School BIR recommendations in Central London
« Last post by joshallen2k on December 16, 2024, 09:42 PM »
Hi All - been many years since I've posted but I'm going to be in London for a few days travelling from Canada, and looking for some BIR recommendations. Not fancy ones, but proper old style ones who do it closer to the 70's and 80's style. Willing to travel a bit for what I'm looking for, so "Central London" is a guideline. Appreciate any and all input!
BIR Main Dishes Chat / Re: Chicken pilaf/biryani (separate curry sauce included)
« Last post by mickdabass on December 16, 2024, 04:53 PM »
I went to The (Als)Asian Grill  :smile: in Sutton Coldfield about 2 years ago and saw it on a menu there c/w veg curry.
I declined the offer.

I do however make the Dishoom version occasionally at home when I fancy a change from the Birmingham Balti 100% Clone Al Frash MK3 Final version new recipe, which isnt very often lol

I've only been offered the choice of curry sauce or vegetable curry as an integral part of a BIR biriani in one location (Yak & Yeti, Truro) and even there I missed the opportunity to accept the curry sauce.  Almost invariably, in my experience, a BIR biriani is accompanied by a vegetable curry (which I invariably leave).
** Phil.
BIR Main Dishes Chat / Chicken pilaf/biryani (separate curry sauce included)
« Last post by Kashmiri Bob on December 15, 2024, 12:41 PM »
Made this last night, unplanned.  Shan chicken pilaf/biryani.  Had some base gravy in the fridge that needed using, so also did a medium/madras curry sauce. It occured to me that this was commonplace BIR fayre at one time. Does anyone remember when?  It would say on the menu, Biryani, with medium curry sauce included, or, comes with separate curry sauce, or something similar.  Is this still done these days?  I don't think I have seen it for a long time.

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