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Messages - CashNCurry

Pages: 1 [2]
Lets Talk Curry / Re: Helping the Chef, or not!
« on: January 26, 2006, 09:06 PM »
Yeah thanks Mark. For a few seconds I thought oh know what do they put in their curries. I know all the stories and have worked in Asia? a few times. Cats N snakes sprang to mind.............No it was just a second thought! I don't think this is the missing "taste"?  ;D

Lets Talk Curry / Re: Helping the Chef, or not!
« on: January 25, 2006, 02:28 PM »
When I once spoke to a restaurant chef regarding how they made their curries. I got the reponse "If we told you how we do it, you would not come here again!". At the time I was concerned by this. Then I realised he meant that you would make your own and not come back.

From information I've got from this forum and my Asian friends, this is exactly what I do today............


Lets Talk Curry / Nuts In Curries
« on: January 21, 2006, 07:25 PM »
One of the main reasons I cook curries myself is that I have a nut allergy. I can't eat Almonds and Peanuts as they make me very ill. When I started to eat Indian meals I asked many questions and stayed clear of Passanda, Tikka Massala and some Korma's. I know that peanuts really are only used in Thai / Malay crusine. My favorite meals like Madras, Rogans etc certainly don't have nuts.

Over the years I got very friendly with the local take-away and they cook me exactly what I want. However, I dont bother much now as I cook it myself.

I don't think nuts make that much difference anyway? But I don't know! Just wondering if anyone else has a similar problem here?



Just Joined? Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello to you all
« on: January 21, 2006, 11:31 AM »
Thanks for the replies................



Just Joined? Introduce Yourself / Hello to you all
« on: January 20, 2006, 11:22 PM »
Hi Guys,
Sorry I've been around here for sometime by lurking. I thought it was about time I registered as I would like to provide input. It seems that I know most of you already, such as Pete, Curryking, Darth and MarkJ - Sorry for people I've missed.

I've been cooking curries for sometime, but mainly Thai & Malaysian varities. Kind of branched out to Indian BIR style over the last year.

The amount of work some of you guys have done is amazing! I hope to contribute myself in the coming weeks.

Cheers Guys,


Pages: 1 [2]

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