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Messages - DeeDee

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Check out this wonderful news ...

Now a curry is definately good for your health!!



Lets Talk Curry / Re: The Biggest Curry House in the World!!
« on: December 25, 2005, 06:27 PM »
The video quality is awful on the site but it looks awesome inside!!!!!

Cool link Ray.  Cheers!!

Someone HAS to go!!!!!!


Just Joined? Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member - Hi!
« on: December 25, 2005, 06:20 PM »
Seasonings and Spices Greetings to you!!!!!!!



Lets Talk Curry / Re: Have a MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS
« on: December 25, 2005, 06:07 PM »
Happy Holidays from deep in the hills of North Carolina!!  We're having apple-spiced Turkey for dinner (and yes, we have already listened to the Queen's speech)

Curried leftovers tomorrow!!!!!! WEHAY!!!!!!


Lets Talk Curry / Dear Santa ... All I want for Christmas is ...
« on: December 21, 2005, 02:25 PM »
Wallpaper just like they had in The Shahee back in the day!!!!!!!!!
An inflatable tandoor that I can stick in the cupboard when I'm done!!!!!!!!
One hour in the Wembley Tandoori kitchens!!!!!!!

What else?



Ray, that meal sounds fantastic but I suggest after twenty peeps chow down on all that you post signs in the ambulances saying "No naked flames" or there'll be another fire they can see from space!


Us, we're doing the regular X-Mas Turkey deal but Boxing Day is Turkey Leftovers ala Curry Sauce, probably a Korma.

As Turkey is generally a bloody dry old bit of meat I'm finkin' something with a lot of sauce should be best!

And if there's any spuds left ... I'll slap em in a pot with turmeric, cumin, coriander and a bit of onions .....

Yum Diddly Um!!!



Lets Talk Curry / Re: Stupid question # 312
« on: December 21, 2005, 01:59 PM »
Cheers all,

I'll be sure to convert (come over to the cooked-on-high-heat-until-dark side) all my measures from now on ....


PS.  Hopefully my base sauce will work better because of it ... it's been a little off base the last couple of times.

Lets Talk Curry / Stupid question # 312
« on: December 19, 2005, 02:21 PM »
So it's only NOW that I'm wondering if the UK/US cups and measures conversions matter in recipes.  I've just been using US measures?!?!!?

Also, apologies for being away ... life got busy!  And yes, I did had another big bash but there aren't any photos because the camera memory got wiped!


Pictures of Your Curries / Re: My First BIG BASH!
« on: December 10, 2005, 03:37 AM »
Cheers once more everyone!!

Ray, I'm doing your Bhajis!!

Curry King, i'm printing out that Pakora recipe reet noo!!

Just marinaded the chicken for tomorrow ... Mmmmmmmm ... Red food coloring ...  :P


Pictures of Your Curries / Re: My First BIG BASH!
« on: December 09, 2005, 05:31 AM »
Ashes, LOL, great story ... You're right about the heavy food .. the more I cook, the wider my pants need to be!!

Ray, you're a geezer for the recipe. I'm going to give the prawns a go! Wish me luck.

Photo's next week!!!


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