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Messages - Dajoca

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If it helps, I made a full batch last week.
Much prefer it to the other one.

Nice aroma, though the entire house stank of onions for days, even with all the windows open.
Not nearly as badly as KD1 though.
Taste wise it's very good, being in my top 3, though due to technique? I never get "the smell".
Because it uses little oil in the base, a bit more than usual is needed for cooking the main dish.

Madras / Re: Chicken Madras in detail
« on: February 24, 2016, 03:29 PM »
Really nicely explained and clearly laid out.
Cheers SoberRat

Have you done a direct duplication of all this at home yet JB?
If so, did you get the taste and as important, that smell that the take away would achieve?


Thanks again for this excellent insight JB.
30 Onions. Could you give a rough size or total weight of these?

Thank you.

Careful with using smoked paprika. The tiniest bit bit can be overpowering.
The one I bought from the indian supplier was much smoother than the supermarket own brand, which was utterly vile.

I have read though, that the smokiness may be obtained by pouring a drop of veg oil onto a burning charcoal in a small dish and floating this in the base (lid on), so the smoke permeates through the sauce.

Lets Talk Curry / Re: Another base gravy sample
« on: January 30, 2016, 07:54 PM »
MA- I think that's the post DB was alluding to.

Thank you for sharing all this info with us JB.
One of the best and most informative threads I've seen.


Curry Base Chat / Re: Keeping the base on heat?
« on: August 30, 2015, 09:30 PM »
I always find that a base is better 2 or 3 days after making it, though SWMBO would emasculate me if I tried leaving it cooking for that long.

Rice (Plain, Pilau, Special, etc) / Re: pilau rice
« on: July 11, 2015, 03:39 PM »
Regards washing the rice, my understanding is that washing it first removes foreign matter and unwanted starch.

More importantly though, a lot of rice seemingly contains arsenic (or similar nasties) and washing it is essential in removing the soil based poisons.

Talk About Anything Other Than Curry / Re: Making Ginger/Garlic Paste
« on: February 01, 2015, 10:05 AM »
Off topic but thanks for sharing the link to that Benny Hill video. Wonderful stuff.
Right up there with Futtocks end and a day by the sea.

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