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Messages - cg13

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Lets Talk Curry / camping curry
« on: May 21, 2009, 10:12 PM »
Does any one know how to make a base sauce without having to blend onions because I am going camping and don’t have access to a blender and I for one like curry with sauce not dry

I could try substituting the onions for a tin of tomatoes.
Does any one have any ideas


What is the basic curry powder added

Spices / when to add the spices
« on: April 13, 2008, 02:11 PM »
Ok I know what spices I want in my curry

For instance

Chilly powder

But just when do I add them?

I have seen many posts that use similar sometimes even the same spices for the base source and for the main curry so just when do I add them because using the same spice blend for the base source and the curry seams sill

I find my self using a hell of a lot of spice and it isn’t cheap

Also say I wanted to include a spice infusion
Fry hole spices like cinnamon and cardamom do I include this in the base or in the main curry

If BIR us the same base source for every different curry sorely they cant use all this spice in the base source because the curries wouldn’t be very varied.

Perhaps they use a simpler spice mix in the base source

Can some one please shed some light on this mater
I am confused   

Spices / Frying Whole Spices
« on: April 12, 2008, 06:50 PM »

I made a curry just last night
It was awesome

And I cant take the credit for this as I looked at the belting balti recipe before making it and copied the spices used but nothing else

I then set about creating my base source and I did what the recipe said for this first part

It said to fry hole spices 

This is what I used
2 sticks of cinnamon (I would like to try cassia bark though)
10 black peppercorns
5 cloves
6 green cardomons (left this out because I didn?t have any)
4 bayleavs

After frying put this with any base source and it tastes amazing
You get new and interesting flavours

Note personally I don?t like to use potato or carrot in my base source because I feel it makes the base source just taste like a thick soup

I like to keep my base source simple usually only consisting of:

Tomato (not tined as they taste acidic) 
Fresh ginger and garlic
Spice mix (this is down to personal preference but I must say I really like asofatida an Indian spice. 
Sometimes a small amount of pepper red or yellow

This led me on to thinking it would be good to try out frying some other spices
Such and curry leaves and mustard seeds what about anis

I would really like to here what other people think.

Sorry if this topic has been discussed before

Lets Talk Curry / Re: the ultimate curry
« on: April 04, 2008, 01:07 PM »
hi davy I think this might work
I left some oil in a bottle overnight from a base sauce and even after a night I went back to check it and the smell was quite potent

I will also experiment with this and report back

Ow by the way do you use any water in your base sauce if so when do you strain the oil of I have been using oil and water together but this will make the oil less effective to cook with when making the actual curry 

Lets Talk Curry / Re: the ultimate curry
« on: April 03, 2008, 07:32 PM »
do you use kd sauce any more if so what is this 
also pleas could you give me a link to these
rajver base and LB spice mix

thanks for the advice so far a really good response I will try what you have said

Lets Talk Curry / the ultimate curry
« on: April 03, 2008, 05:29 PM »
Why isn?t this working

My goal like many people on this forum is to create the ultimate curry and I feel this lies in the creation of the base sauce

I have look through varies sites and on this forum
And have found out

Firstly it is how you fry and boil the onions
I personally fry the onions for a short time then add water and boil them with the rest of the ingredients this being peppers crushed garlic and ground fresh ginger I also add coriander stems

A fairly simple base but I like to start with a simple one then not much can go wrong

If the sauce is to biter I sweeten it with some sugar

So can any one tell me what I am doing wrong

Also my curries do not have that amazing smell that the ones from the takeout have how is this achieved and dose it lie in those spices and the way you cook them I add mine at the start and at the moment I am using coriander paprika ground fenugreek madras curry powder and cumin

One poster I looked at suggested using these spices
Anise coriander mint and dill
has anyone tried this

British Indian Restaurant Recipe Requests / sweet prawn curry
« on: March 31, 2008, 09:48 PM »
how do I make a sweet curry base to go with a prawn curry   

thus making a sweet prawn curry but reasonable spiced

Lets Talk Curry / varying my curries
« on: March 31, 2008, 08:54 PM »
How do I vary my curries?  At the moment I am using madras curry powder along with cumin grown coriander turmeric paprika chill powder

The madras curry powder seems to be the main flavour that I can taste
I am looking for a balti spice blend dose any one know how to create one or can you buy this like the madras curry powder

Also how do I create those amazing colours that curries are   

I have also tried to separate oil from the bases source because I wanted to use the oil in the main dish and the flavours are in this oil from the base sauce using this oil makes the dish so much tastier dose any one know how to separate the oil successfully

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