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Messages - adriandavidb

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Lets Talk Curry / Re: pickling jalapeno's
« on: October 14, 2013, 03:59 PM »
Thanks Phil; can't find any locally, could you please let me know the name on the jar?

Lets Talk Curry / Re: pickling jalapeno's
« on: October 10, 2013, 04:29 PM »
Hi all; haven't been here for a while . . .

On a slightly different subject; I love those pickled chilies that often grace the salads on top of (doner etc.) kebabs.

I don't think they're Jalapenos, they typically 2/3" long and quite fat, and they're generally whole, but they have the slightly vinegary briny taste described here.

Anyone know what they are and how I make 'em?

I guessing the pickle mix described by Salvador would work, but what are the chilies?


Lets Talk Curry / Re: MSG
« on: January 08, 2013, 11:40 AM »
Thanks ELW; not the one I had in mind but very interesting thanks: increased my knoweledge of what foodstuffs contain lots of natural glutamates!

Found it though, here:

Cheers :)

Lets Talk Curry / MSG
« on: January 08, 2013, 10:21 AM »

Firstly apologies, I have been in the past a reasonabley frequent contributor on here, but in the last couple of years have been a bit lazy!

I remember a while back some discussion on the 'MSG is bad for you' myth (opps, dare I say that!).  One contributer supplied a link to an article that explained things very well.  Having been remiss enough not to make a note of it at the time, I now find myself unable to track it down.

I'd really appreciate any pointers on where to go!

Many thanks


Lets Talk Curry / Re: Inferior 'gravy' based curries...
« on: March 09, 2012, 04:05 PM »
I've never tried making a so-called Handi curry but if we're talking about curries from scratch versus curries from base gravy, I've recently reverted, like you perhaps, to preferring curries from scratch. I find they're easier and more tasty, with no need to store large amounts of base sauce.[/quote]

Me too, one reason I've not been on this (still excellent) site recently: the Misses & I subsist mainly on what we call 'scratch curry', that is curry cooked from scratch rather than BIR-style.  The whole BIR thing (as we all know) is just supposed to be a time saver to enable BIRs to serve-up finished dishes in short-order, essentially assembled from pre-cooked parts.

Whilst I still love BIR-style food, I tend to make curries now from scratch becasue I get tastier results, and by the time base sauce and other pre-prepared stuff is taken into account, BIR is not really any quicker. I remmeber one one the members here saying that a BIR chef they had spoken too saying essentially the same thing (it might have been in a thread comparing different types of onion for base sauce)

I still love BIR food, it's just they are different, kinda like filter coffee compared to instant. I happen to like Nescafe Gold Blend, I just prefer the stuff made directly from ground beans!

I now believe I can surpass any of my locals with my own BIR style stuff, but the 'scratch' curries taste better still.

As a parting shot I would say (just as Secret Santa has suggested in the past), that I have NEVER been able to equal the flavours I found in a Pakistani BIR back in 1982-85, near Leeds Univeristy. It was a cheapo place, all the dishes were virtually identical, but it did not have to be other, because the taste was amazing.

I've never seen the Rajah Gold stuff; but I can attest to the difference between Rajah Mild Madras Curry powder sold in small tins to that sold in slightly larger bags.  The stuff in the bags is missing many of the ingredients found in the tinned variety: fennel seed comes to mind, but also a fair few others.  In fact the bagged stuff was your bog-standard turmeric/cumin/corriander etc type mix.

Like others on here, when I make up by own mix, using the usual suspects; I oftern add a small quantity of commerical stuff, to effectively increse the variety of ingredients in it.  There was no point whatever in used the baggged stuff because alll I was achieving was adding spices I'd already included!

BTW, 'my' mix is a slightly altered 'Bruce Edwards' type powder: 2 parts turmeric; 2 parts corriander; 1 part cumin; 1 part Kashmiri Mirch and 1 part Rajah Mild Madras tinned curry powder. Other stuff: mace/cinnamon/pepper corns/cardamon (black or/& green) gets fried-in at the beginning, and if I'm using star anise, one or two 'blades' of the star in at the simmer stage.


Hi Ray
The importance of the grinder, if your trying to emulate the curries of the 60/70/80's
in those days, every BIR and TA would have two or three whole chickens boiling away in the curry base brew!

They would fish out the overcooked chicken at the end, literally falling apart, leaving lots of bits and pieces behind.
Once put through the grinder the base was ready to go!  This was a real "curry secret" which meant all the vegetarian's of the time weren't, if they liked a good curry that is!)

cheers chewy


I've mentioned this before on here: I've been using home made Chicken stock in my bases for years now, which is effectively what the above process achieves: I would never go back to making base without it, it's completely inferior IMO.

I use chicken stock in place of some of the water in the base, made by simmering the remains of a roast chicken joint in a few pints of water, skiming the fat off the top and filtering out the crap.

If you havn't tried it PLEASE do, it makes a HUGE difference.

It depends what you are after?  If you want something of Pakistani 'Balti' type flavour try the Lahore Kebab House.  I recommend the chicken Karahi and the lamb Saag, the sheek Kebabs are good, and the Vegy dishes are alll nice too.  I normally mop it all up with a few Rotis.  It's a BYO as far as alcohol is concerned.

Just head down the Commercial road out of the City (easterly) about 1/4 mile, just on the RHS near the traffic lights, in Umberston St.

Nearest tube Aldate East.

Tandoori and Tikka / Re: Kushi Chicken/Lamb tikka
« on: March 18, 2011, 10:32 AM »
I have a big can of the KTC blended stuff.  I remember being very suprised when I opened it that the smell reminded me of linseed oil!

I've used in in some curries but found I didnn't much like the taste, I've not tried it in a tikka marinade yet though!

Pictures of Your Curries / Re: The ABC of Balti
« on: March 02, 2011, 12:01 PM »
I've used this excellent book for some time: I use it for pre-cooking lamb; making Bomaby spud, and I also use the Bhuna recpie, which I've tweeked a bit!

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