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Messages - Dajoca

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Thanks for this explanation Phil.
I will try this method for my next base, as I have previously had no luck with the KD Curry secret base,
It always smelled awful and tasted like boiled sick, so was quickly thrown away.

Curry Base Chat / Re: Vegetarians need not apply.
« on: March 14, 2018, 12:58 AM »
Thank you.

Curry Base Chat / Re: Vegetarians need not apply.
« on: March 12, 2018, 10:40 AM »
Thank you again Livo.

Just to clarify, after boiling and stripping the carcasses, you added the remnants of chicken meat to the base, before blending?

Thanks for an excellent write up.

Curry Base Chat / Re: Vegetarians need not apply.
« on: March 11, 2018, 11:49 PM »
Hi Livo. Great post.
Any chance you could explain further (for the hard of understanding - me)
Which base recipe.
What method and what spice mix?

Thank you

Lets Talk Curry / Re: Arsenic in rice
« on: February 17, 2017, 06:33 PM »
The method I was shown a long time ago removes the risk.
Soak rice for 30 mins +
Rinse or change water twice
Drain and add to saucepan
Add boiling water to 1/2" above the rice
Bring to boil and simmer with lid on for 5 - 6 mins
Fill with cold water and then drain
Rinse once or twice with cold water and leave to dry.

If the rice is very starchy, an additional rinse before cooking, or a tiny drop of olive oil in the water will sort it.

I do wonder how many of those who voted leave knew what they were voting for.

Most of us mate.
We didn't vote with our eyes closed, or our brains switched off as the remainians would have you believe and no-one I have spoken to since, has regretted the way they voted.
The stars have not fallen from the sky, nor have we died painful deaths in poverty, as the naysayers predicted.
The remainians aren't happy, but that's democracy for you.

It does concern me that idiots like Garp can think anyone who voted leave is a simpleton, who lacks the ability to reason.
It is patronising nonsense like that from the remain camp that helped sway many undecided voters away from the shackles of the EU.

Lets Talk Curry / Re: BIR smell from your favourite restuarant...
« on: March 21, 2016, 04:51 PM »
The smell I get when walking into our local restaurant, is the same as I get when I open the carton of curry I get from there. To say our senses are overwhelmed when cooking doesn't cut it either.
If I cook a few curries and also have a bought one for comparison, I can still smell that fantastic aroma when I open the bought carton, despite having been cooking my own.

The second stage was added later the same day and I kept the base ready for use in the fridge for a few days before freezing it.
While I added some water to thin it down, I kept the base quite thick, to save space in the freezer, as a full batch produces a lot of sauce.

Lets Talk Curry / Re: Kashmiri chilli powder
« on: March 11, 2016, 06:44 PM »
Cheers Steven.
I've started grinding my own from the dry chillies, as I bought a large bag of Rajah chilli powder recently (avoiding the extra hot one) and it' was miles hotter than any I've bought in the last decade, which was interesting in a OMG sort of way.

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