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Messages - ziggycat

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Totally agree with you Garp. It's just a bloody naan bread, who cares about making an artisan dough I just use a naan to mop up a curry.

I've been using the recipe posted by Chris since he uploaded it,  I've found no need to initially rest it,  I've cut down on the sugar by 30%, and overnight resting in the fridge or frozen and defrosted makes a perfectly good and acceptable bread that works for me.  :

Pictures of Your Curries / Re: First Curry Beano Supper of 2019
« on: January 06, 2019, 10:09 AM »
wholeheartedly agree with the other comments above,  I do enjoy yours videos CT,  I think we are well overdue a new one  :)

Pictures of Your Curries / Re: Malabar Cod
« on: October 18, 2018, 02:38 PM »
Nice looking dish,  your food always look top notch CT.. 

Traditional Indian Recipes / Re: Chicken and garlic chaat
« on: June 19, 2018, 12:36 PM »
Looks like precooked chicken to me..  pretty much how I cook mine without the corriander

Curry Recipe Group Tests / Re: Group testing.
« on: January 11, 2018, 09:36 AM »
I like the idea of resurrecting the group tests.  I'm in  ;D

Pictures of Your Curries / Re: Chicken Dhansak.
« on: December 22, 2017, 05:25 AM »
That look lovely LC.  Care to share the bulk recipe you used ? Thanks

Lets Talk Curry / Re: Cracked it!
« on: May 28, 2017, 08:36 AM »
Is there a stage 2 to this base?

Pictures of Your Curries / Re: ChewyTikkas Midnight Snacks 2017
« on: April 24, 2017, 04:02 AM »
Why am I awake at this time in the morning browsing a curry forum lol....

Always love your posts CT, I could eat that now.

The markets were bound to be effected by the referendum outcome and it's not come as any surprise to voters on either side. This was anticipated and the BofE was prepared for it. To my knowledge nobody is predicting any market collapse or long term adversity.  So further scaremongering (aka. Project Fear) is solely based on individual speculation.

As the next Conservative PM will be 100% be a Brexit advocate anyone believing this won't be invoked is completely deluded.

To our EU overlords,
I don't want your interpretation of free movement, I don't want you setting my taxes,  I don't wan't you telling me we can't manage our own agriculture and fisheries industries.

I don't adhere to your envisaged future of a United States of Europe, governed by a bunch of unelected bureaucrats in brussels deciding on the wattage of my vacuum cleaner.

Goodbye & Good Riddance to you Mr.EU.

ROFL.. whatever Garp....  I've not seen or heard one leave voter regret their decision, nope not one. Most of us are still celebrating it.

The remain voters need to cease being so bloody childish

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