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Topics - Tamala

Pages: [1]
Pictures of Your Curries / Tamala's Pilau Rice
« on: July 01, 2008, 12:33 PM »
Here's my pilau rice that I made and ate last nice.  Not bad....

Pictures of Your Curries / Tamala's Chicken & Mushroom Madras
« on: July 01, 2008, 12:04 PM »
Here's my Chicken & Mushroom Madras I cooked and ate last night.  Not bad....

Pictures of Your Curries / Tamala's Chicken Tikka Dhansak
« on: June 11, 2008, 03:14 PM »
This is my Chicken Tikka Dhansak.

I know it's a little stodgey, I wanted the sauce to be a little thicker than normal because its going into a Chicken Tikka (Dhansak) Biriani later.....

Any comments (good or bad) most welcome!  ;)

Pictures of Your Curries / Tamala's Chicken Tikka Masala Phal
« on: May 30, 2008, 10:28 AM »
Here is my chicken tikka masala phal.

Yes, a hybrid I know, but I like the CTM and I like em hot lol

Excuse the pitiful coriander, its frozen stuff, I didnt have any fresh at the time.

Any comments?  Good, bad or indifferent?  ALL critism most heartily welcome  ;)

Pages: [1]

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