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Messages - CS4

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Trainee Chefs / Beginners Questions / Re: Off the shelf Garam Masala?
« on: September 28, 2009, 10:57 AM »

 Thank you Jerry. I'm looking now.

Trainee Chefs / Beginners Questions / Re: Off the shelf Garam Masala?
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:35 AM »

 Thanks guys very interesting indeed, and any links are good if it doesn't break forum rules.
 I'm going to try a curry this weekend so your input is much appreciated.

Trainee Chefs / Beginners Questions / Re: Off the shelf Garam Masala?
« on: September 21, 2009, 09:01 PM »
976bar Thank you for the rapid response. I understand what you're saying and will take this onboard.
 One last question before mustering up a shopping list, is does one Garam Masala cover all dishes from the dark to the pale dishes, or is there more than one GM to master for the range of dishes?




 I've read many recipes on base gravy and curries which really doesn't faze me. The only part that does is making my own Garam Masala because the two times I've tried it tastes and smells like a dogs dinner.

 So my 2 questions are: Is there an off shelf  Garam Masala that anyone would recommend using, and is there a fail safe Garam Masala recipe you'd advise using?

 Thanks in advance.

Just Joined? Introduce Yourself / Greetings Earthlings.
« on: September 21, 2009, 04:32 PM »
 After my partner and two children thought my attempt at making curries was in fact an attempt on their lives, I've decided to hunt such a place as this down.
 Great to see a curry community and can't believe how hard it was to find, but am simply happy to be hear and make amends to the families pallets.

 BTW my common mistake with previous curries was using Madhur Jaffreys Ultimate Curry Bible. In fact its a world tour of localised recipes and not BIR and is where I was way off track.

 Hopefully I'll be able to contribute in the future as I really want to nail the BIR taste and impress all.


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