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I've just finished a madras and a vindaloo, made using this base and his recipes.This is REALLY goodI mean REALLY goodI tried the mark 1 recipe posted (was it last year?) and that was too oily and generally disapointed my whole familySo I didn't have high hopes for this versionWhat can I say?I was absolutely knocked out, and everyone cleared their plates, then wiped them round with their fingers for the last drops of sauce!!!I recommend everyone to try this
Phil, I'm confused. What does any of this have to do with cooking curry.? You're posting in a curry themed thread, in a curry-specific section of a specialist curry cooking web forum. Your rambling personal journal entries to which we are regularly "treated" have no place here and are most unwelcome to me, and I'd venture to say most forum users. Why you persist in this abusive misuse of the site, even in a thread in which you've previously been upbraided for being off topic, is quite beyond me. New technology brings with it many novel opportunities for people to self-publish their memoirs for the benefit of anyone interested in reading them. I suggest you avail yourself of such means to see whether you can channel your enthusiasm for sharing every detail of your life into producing a kindle-classic "Phil's Life, day by day". I won't be buying. Mind you, perhaps with such an outlet you could then spare us your diary entries and just make use of this website in a normal fashion, ie to contribute to the topic of curry cooking? That would be most welcome!