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Jerry, I don't want to put you off using whatever oil you wish but have a quick look at this link about olive pomace oil http://www.food.gov.uk/multimedia/faq/pomaceoilfaq/its a bit off putting IMO Rob.
i know they cook their own tea in the shop before service. i'm sure its different to what's on the menu. the point being they use the same ingredients.
just a general thought on this subject.i've always pondered why BIR chefs don't taste the food....
Suddenly, this book is looking like it might be a major breakthrough, after all. Perhaps the favourable response, here and elsewhere, is pushing up the value of the book. I see you can now pay as much as ?16 (incl p&P) on eBay. Search eBay.co.uk with 'undercover curry' to see the item I refer to.
Does anyone who has the book notice any obvious errors? I recall seeing that there are two base recipes and the scale was off. Anything else to be aware of?Thx,Josh