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Thanks, I'll give these a try. I've been dining at Saffron in Batley for a good months now (my partner loves the veg achari). Would be interested to know your views on Saffron, if you've eaten there (?)
ingredients from the Curry Gewurz Ketchup delikat:zutaten: tomatensaft, zucker, dextrose, kochsalz, curry (u. a. senfmehl), pfeffer, paprika, chilis, nelken, branntweinessig, modifizierte maisstarke, sauerungsmittel: citronensaure, verdickungsmittel: (guarkernmehl, traganth), krauter (u. a. sellerie), saureregulator: natriumlactat, geschmacksverstarker, mono-natriumglutamat.will try to get it converted.best so far:added: tomato juice, sugar, dextrose, common salt, curry (among other things mustard flour), pepper, paprika, chilis, carnations, branntweinessig, modified corn-strong, sour means: citronensaure, thickener: (guarkernmehl, traganth), more krauter (among other things celery), sour modulator: natriumlactat, more taste-strongly, mono natriumglutamat.