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Messages - peshwarinaan

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Lets Talk Curry / Does anyone have backup copies of the recipes on here?
« on: September 19, 2022, 03:29 PM »
I'm looking for a good Glasgow Chicken Chasni recipe but the only ones I can find are truncated/missing.

Any chance anybody has kept offline copies or backups of these recipes, please?


Stephen Lindsay's:

Lets Talk Curry / Re: Haleem
« on: July 16, 2019, 04:10 AM »
Do you properly mash the meat down into a paste, as is traditional? I'd be interested in knowing how these turn out.

Mine certainly isn't watery, it's actually very thick (possibly because I pre-cooked lamb on the bone) and has thickened even more overnight. It could actually pass as a keema curry on its own, but I'll probably add some more lamb mince to it and a small amount of oil and base to make a more recognisable keema dish. I might slap it on a puri or something.

When I try things I'll report back.

I've just finished pre-cooking 3KG of lamb (using PanPot's recipe, if anyone's interested) and after removing the lamb chunks I have a good ~500ml of thick sauce left over.

It's not heavily spiced but has lots of small bits of lamb and tastes very lamby so I don't want to waste it.

What do restaurants/takeaways do with this?

Some possible ideas I've had are:

Looks like other members have been banned according to the admin's latest update (emphasis my own):

Please note that another couple of members have been banned from this forum for bringing this forum into disrepute elsewhere.

Please rather send me a Personal Message, or email me, if you have any gripes, complaints or concerns about this forum. But please DO NOT air your dirty laundry in public or, in particular, elsewhere. Hardly a very sensible, mature, respectful or constructive way of going about things.

The irony of this statement is astounding. First of all because it's his dirty laundry being aired, borne of a situation which he created. Secondly because it seems totally lost on him that blankly refusing to engage in any form of open conversation is the anethema of a "sensible, mature, respectful or constructive" approach. And finally, banning people for raising issues "elsewhere" (i.e. here) when it's literally the only option we have, since he's chosen to block all attempts at discourse on his own forum.

This guy needs to learn what mature conversation is. If his ideas are sensible then he should be willing to defend them and discuss them. The fact that he's behaving like a dictator - silencing and oppressing anyone who dares speak out against him - surely says all you need to know about the situation. He's obviously been taking lessons on leadership from the North Korean government.

And by the way, I want to reiterate that I don't give a toss about the drama between bircurries and this forum, and don't care about whatever history exists between the two forums. As I said, if Cory Ander wants to lock down his forum going forward then I don't have a single bad word to say about that decision; but all previous content must still be available to non-paying members.

It cannot be tolerated for someone to take freely submitted content generously provided by the BIR community and restrict access to it under his own terms.

No offence to the refugees, but do we need to be berating another forum on this one? I don't think that this forum is the place for the recently released hostages to be venting their anger at their former captor.
I think it's incredibly important that we voice criticism here.

This forum is the closest thing to a "sister forum" to bircurries as you'll find, sharing many of the same members and (obviously) a very similar structure and content. The issues raised could be relevant to this forum or any other similar kind of forum online and are worth discussing.

Plus, people who have contributed content to bircurries in the past need to be made aware that their posts are now behind a paywall.

This isn't about berating another forum at all, but rather about informing people of what's happening within the BIR community, especially if you feel that injustice has been done. After all, if you can't have civilised, polite, yet sometimes critical discussion then what's the point of a forum?

Fortunately (or unfortunately?) I had not posted anything substantial on there such as recipes etc. - but what I don't understand is why those who have are not doing anything about it. If I had posted recipes there I would be absolutely incensed that my efforts had been abused in such a way, and indeed I would be seeking legal redress.

The admin of bircurries ("Cory Ander") should reflect very carefully on the fact that his or her forum is only made possible because of the valuable content which users submitted. I understand that they probably want the forum to be filled with high-quality, heavily-engaged members who add real value to the place, but speaking as someone who manages other online communities, charging a fee is absolutely not the way to do that (quite the opposite, in fact).

The admin clearly believes that users who don't engage with the forum - or rather, those who don't pay the fee - are "entitled" or "freeloaders". After all, the admin did all the hard work! *They* set up the forum. *They* pay for the hosting. *They* spend all their spare time moderating and organising and cataloguing the content. So they should get all the rewards, right? Wrong.

He fails to realise the irony and hypocrisy of that attitude. An accessible, open community is the true value of a good forum. Without that, you could have the best-looking most functional forum ever made, but without any meaningful content. The people who generously give their own free time and knowledge are the ones who deserve the reward. The admin should be infinitely grateful to them; not the other way around.

When I set up my own online communities (which are of a similar size to the bircurries forum) I didn't do it so I could build up a website good enough to start charging for. I also didn't expect every member to contribute or "add value". I did it because I love my hobbies and wanted to spread as much knowledge and experience about those hobbies as possible. The people who "hit and run" my websites are not leeches; they're the audience.

YouTube pays its creators. Spotify pays its musicians. And even then, those massive multi-national services can barely convince customers to pay $5 a month for access to unlimited music. What madness has made this admin believe that a niche curry forum will succeed where global corporations have failed?

In addition, the admin is not even attempting to host a dialogue about these controversial changes; any negative posts (no matter how polite) are simply being rejected/deleted/not published. This, in my opinion, will be the death knell of the forum. A good admin should be intelligent enough to realise that when (sensible) people have something to say, there's usually a reason for that, and it's worth listening to them.

If the admin wants to keep his forum locked up, the only moral thing to do would be to make the historical content of the forum available for free and restrict any new content going forward. That way people could choose to pay if they wanted to, and users who have already freely submitted content will not have their work subject to (likely illegal and definitely immoral) profiteering.

Ultimately I feel like the admin doesn't have any respect for either their users or the craft of BIR cooking. If they respected their users, they wouldn't have hidden freely-given content behind a paywall. If they respected the hobby of BIR cooking and actually wanted people to get into it, they would want to share the content with as many people as possible. Instead they've done the complete opposite.

And I think that's what really bothers me. How did Cory Ander get into BIR cooking? How much freely available information did he use to teach himself how to cook? How many people took the time and effort to help him, expecting nothing in return? What if all the resources he used were locked up behind a paywall?

Cory Ander would do well to think about that and reflect on whether he actually cares about BIR cooking.

I've seen it before: this situation will embitter old members (like me) and completely deter new members. Mark my words; the membership of that forum will dwindle and decline within the coming months unless they reverse this horrible decision. Or they'll get sued. Either way I guess.

Anyway, sorry for this rant. The philosophy of online communities is (obviously) a subject very close to my heart.

Update: I've been banned from bircurries for "Bringing this forum into disrepute elsewhere".

Looks like the admin is happy to start charging for access to other people's content, but isn't mature enough to have a civilised discussion about it.

Some of you may know that another curry forum, "bircurries", has started to charge for access to user-provided recipes.

Hundreds of recipes and other pieces of knowledge were given freely by members of the forum, and now they cannot be accessed (even by the people who wrote them) without paying the forum administrator.

Putting aside the ethical issues of such a move, is it even legal to do such a thing? The submitters own the copyright to their posts (a fact which is re-affirmed by the website's own T&Cs) and presumably submitted their posts with the knowledge that the forum was a free-to-access, publicly-accessible area in which anyone could read and exchange information.

In my opinion the site is risking potentially huge legal issues by doing this. If they want to charge for access, they should at the very least make all previous posts freely available and only start limiting access to new/future posts.

By the way - I posted two similar messages on the forum itself but they were deleted/not published because the admin wants the comments to be "positive" only:


I understand this has now been made mandatory and the donation is no longer optional, despite the reassurances from the admin in this thread?

Is there a place we can provide feedback or discuss this change openly? I made a comment in another thread but it was deleted because the admin wants the thread to be "positive replies only" which is obviously stifling open conversation.

I would like to understand the legal ramifications of placing user-provided content behind a paywall as I believe it's not be legal to do so. This site's own copyright policy actually re-affirms that the content's copyright belongs to the person who posts it. If the admin wishes to place content behind a paywall, they must own that content.

Apart from that, my personal opinion is it is amoral to take hundreds of recipes and other valuable knowledge freely from members and then later restrict access to that content without compensating the authors.


Just visited BIRcurries for the first time in a few months and discovered the paywall. I think it's crazy. And it's not even legal to put user-copyrighted content behind a paywall.

What the hell are they thinking? Most of us just want to cook curries.

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