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Messages - dan steele

Pages: [1]
Trainee Chefs / Beginners Questions / Re: recipes
« on: May 01, 2007, 10:00 AM »
Hi to all and thank you so much for the recipes and suggestions, especially Cory Ander, we will be trying the places you mentioned and report back.I still haven't had the guts to make a curry start to finish (still eating Pataks) but i am winding up to it.Any more suggestions and recipes would be most welcome,
thanks again,

Hi, i'm new to this site and think its great. I live in West Australia and it's impossible to get a decent curry so i'm going to attempt to make my own. Has anyone got a recipe for chicken tikka masala and madras, I haven't made curry before so it has to be start to finish. Thanks.

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