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Messages - Richard W. Rinn

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Curry Base Chat / Re: 3 Day Base From Other Curry Forum
« on: May 13, 2008, 11:00 AM »
I've made the savoury base (the big one), but not the melting base yet (the current one). The curries I made with it were great, as good as I've made. I also made the balti base, which was nice as well, but I preferred the savoury base. Haven't made the current ones like the Saffron from this site yet as I haven't been making curry for a while. Last one I made from here was Stew's base, and I've also made Darth's... In fact, I forget all the ones I've tried now.

Regarding freezing, last time I was making curries, instead of making the base and freezing it in portions, I made all the curries right away and then froze those instead. It seemed like a good way to work, albeit rather labour intensive.


Bhuna / Re: Vegetable Bhuna
« on: March 07, 2008, 03:05 PM »
Cheers Haldi. Don't know why I didn't twig about fenugreek being the leaf, for the amount of times I've put that in a curry vs. how many times I've used the seed, powdered or whole!  :-)

I don't have a lid either, would just have to...I don't know, cover it with my hands or something. ;-)

Cheers for the other info about crushing and stirring, or lack of!


Starters and Side Dishes Chat / Re: Soup
« on: March 07, 2008, 11:44 AM »
I've made quite a few, and I've none in the freezer!  :-0

Still think it's an idea with some degree of potential for a quick fix, if the right soup can be found.

Next time I'm in the supermarket I'll haunt the soup section and see what's available.


Bhuna / Re: Vegetable Bhuna
« on: March 07, 2008, 10:11 AM »
Hi Haldi, thanks for the recipe. I've printed it out to try next time I make some curry base. Just a couple of questions:

1. Would you say that crushing the coriander seeds with the mortar and pestle would achieve the right sort of result? Just wondering how crushed they should be - obviously not powder, or you'd have said so.

2. I take it the fenugreek is powder and not whole?

3. When you've put the first batch of ingredients and some gravy in, you don't mention stirring, but I take it you stir it all up before letting it sit for five minutes? Do you stir at all during that time, or agitate it?!

4. Does the lid on the pan have to be tight?



Starters and Side Dishes Chat / Soup
« on: March 06, 2008, 08:13 PM »

Having made a few curry bases from the site, knowing what's in them, and seeing the directions usually specify the taste as something like a mildly spiced soup (and consistency not far off a perhaps more watery soup), I was just wondering if, at a push, any of you would consider knocking up a quick curry base by lightly spicing a can of soup, watering it down a bit and liquidizing? Haven't tried it myself. Just looked on Heinz web site briefly to see if I could find one that had roughly the right ingredients in roughly the right quantities (couldn't see one). Anyway, in theory, what do you think?  :-)  Obviously we're not going for BIR authenticity here, just perhaps in a rush, but wanting to use BIR recipes without making a big base type scenario.


Cheers Gary. Would you say it was on medium for the adding of the garlic and spices though, i.e. it wasn't going full burn at this stage?

Hi Gary,

Interesting post, thanks!

Couple of questions about the heat used when cooking:

first he reached up to a shelf above the cooker to the stacks ot frying pans and put it on the gas ring to heat up about 40 seconds then added 2 tbsps of veg oil from an old ghee pot on the back of the cooker. he then reached into a pot and sprinkled chopped garlic 2 chefs pinches into the pan after about 30 seconds he stirred it and removed from the heat to add the other ingredients 1tbsp tomato paste (from a large tin and mixed with water ketchup consistency) 1tbsp chilli powder 1tsp salt 1 heaped tsp curry powder (bought in prepacked did not get the brand-but any good curry powder will do,rajah mild )

Would you say the heat was at 'medium' up until this point?

he then put the pan back on the heat turned up to full power then added 1/4 large ladle of runny base sauce(200ml ladle ) to the pan mixed well the he turned the extractor on ( i guess he smelt toffee ::)) then added 2 more ladles of base and then 1 chefs pinch of methi and shortly followed by chefs pinch of fresh coriander (cilantro) stirred in an then left to bubble away for about 5 minutes stirring occassionally.

Was the heat left on full for the 5 minutes of bubbling, or turned down?



Yours looks exactly the same as mine, which is a thicker consistency than some other bases I've made (I think I said it before) but I wouldn't advise anyone to water it down further as it seems to lose a fair bit of the depth of the flavour (even though I didn't add all that much liquid :-\).

Seemed alright to me when cooking with it, more watered down, didn't end up with a watery sauce or anything. Whether a lot of flavour escaped via steam I can't say, but the curries I made with it were very tasty...

@RWR I'm a garlic lover so the garlicky taste suits me fine ;D but I wouldn't say that it was overpowering in any way :) I haven't managed to knock anyone down with my breath yet lol.

Yep, quite happy eating it, just haven't noticed that level of after effect with other curries, so thought it worth pointing out as I wouldn't expect to be that garlicky after a restaurant curry.

But isn't that what extra strong mints were created for? ;D

Will try adding a packet of them next time I do more base.  ;-)


Richard, I also transfered the mix to a blender and washed out the pot, so maybe thats how we lost that oil.

Wonder if there's another way then, short of buying a hand held blender... I suppose more oil!

By the way, my curry base was the same consistency as yours when I finished making it, but then next day I re-blended it and added more water until it stayed 'flat' on top, instead of leaving spoon trails/terrain (!!), aiming for the 'tomato soup' consistency mentioned elsewhere. Seemed to work well enough when cooking, and it thickened back up a bit.

Lettuce know once you've cooked summit with it what you think of the garlic level, Mike.


Lets Talk Curry / Re: Why we cannot produce that missing taste ?
« on: July 09, 2007, 03:30 PM »
Sorry to hear it Greg. I've had more problems with cooking rice (by absorption) than I have with curry, but even that generally turns out pretty good now just through cooking the same size portion the same way enough times to have developed a method that works. Where there's a will, there's a way!


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