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Messages - SteveyG

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It's probably not too critical. A litre should be fine.

Spices / Re: use of salt in currys
« on: June 05, 2013, 12:37 PM »
I find salt essential too, though you don't need to add silly amounts. It brings out a lot of flavours in the dishes.

Made a Vindaloo with it last night. The results were excellent and the curry tasted exactly like my local take-away Vindaloo. I made the sauce a bit thicker than I usually would, but actually I think I prefer it like this.

Excuse the presentation - just wanted to eat at this point... Lol

Had a go at this one today. Other than a mishap with the blender :o it went pretty faultlessly. I probably altered the quantities a bit and the spice mix was pretty much made up but I just went with what felt right but the end result is a very nice sweet base. I very often already add cinnamon to my dishes, so this gives a light hint of the flavour that I'm used to.

I didn't get chance to make anything with it as I thoroughly cooked it through for many hours, so time ran out.

Curry Base Chat / Re: How many members are "Cooking on Gas"
« on: August 12, 2012, 09:07 AM »
I cook on an induction hob. I find it particularly helpful for rice and base sauce as the heat can be very finely adjusted.

The induction hob "boost" function is good for the initial frying as it adds a couple of kW to the normal maximum.

Hi All,
Yesterday while in the Asian shop I bought 300 grams of Naga Morich (Bhut Jolokia) (Ghost) chillies, call it what you will.

I fancied making my own Naga paste. So I set about it this morning....

I simply fried them in some veg oil until they were softening.
I added 1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of sugar
2 tbsp of spirit vinegar

And blitzed them up, then into sterilised jars.

The paste does taste very nice but holy mother it's powerful


You should have taken them back. They definitely are not Naga Morich or Bhut Jolokias (they're different to each other). Looks more like a generic scotch bonnet from the wholesaler.

The paste definitely looks great though :)

Terrific post Stevey.  The end result looks fantastic.  I'm just about to cook a curry for later on.  Undecided on what to have though :-\.   What recipe did you use for the phall?  And what made you decide to use the saffron base in preference to many of the other more popular bases?

I've been going through the bases one by one on this site and this was the next one on the list. The Phall ingredients were:

3 cloves garlic, 1 piece of ginger about the size of a clove of garlic, about 1.5 tbsp tomato puree,
1 tsp Deggi Mirch, 1 tsp naga paste, 1tsp ground coriander, 1tsp ground cumin, 0.5tsp garam masala, 1tbsp mild madras curry powder, 1tsp methi leaves. Some salt and some sugar.

It wasn't from any specific recipe, but probably similar to a lot out there.

Fortunately we left just enough for dinner tomorrow  ;D  :D

I had a go at this one today and am very impressed with the results.

Ingredients in the pot ready to start boiling:

After 45 minutes:

Adding spices:

Prior to blending:

After blending:

And at the end:

I did have to add some more water (probably another litre) as it started getting very thick, but not that much oil came out the base. However once I started cooking with it, the oil came out in abundance.

Made a chicken tikka phall with it tonight (with a potato in it too):

Overall I was very impressed with this sauce. The taste of the phall was almost indistinguishable from the one from my local takeaway, and I shall see how it compares with other dishes over the next week or so.

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