Curry Recipes Online
Curry Chat => Talk About Anything Other Than Curry => Topic started by: AllohameX on November 12, 2012, 12:19 PM
Hello to all!
Do you believe in UFO?
I hope for serious answers, it's need for social project
Thank you all.
Hello to all!
Do you believe in UFO?
I hope for serious answers, it's need for social project
Thank you all.
AllohameX, the probability is /very/ high that a moderator will delete your poll before you are able to get any data from it. I strongly recommend that you set up a real poll, using (say) Surveymonkey, and post a link to that (under "Talk about anything other than curry"). That way you /may/ get some responses. Do /not/ re-post in "General Restaurant Reviews" : it has no connection with this thread whatsoever.
** Phil.
They are a great rock band.
AllohameX, the probability is /very/ high that a moderator will delete your poll before you are able to get any data from it.
Too right! I've moved this topic/poll to the section where almost any topic goes, with a view to deleting it within 24 hrs unless the OP comes back and explains how it is justified to make such a post on a cooking forum, as your very first post. Maybe if someone who'd established a bit of goodwill asked the same question, we'd be more understanding. As it is, it looks like a pure wind-up, even if it's not. There must be forums which dwell on UFOs, and surely they'd be a better place for such a poll. What social project? Tell us more, to justify your post, if you want it to be retained.
In the early 1960s I was travelling along the M4 late at night with my Uncle when we pulled over in amazement along with dozens of cars. Everyone got out and was staring into the sky. There were three pairs of headlights up there, completely stationary and beaming down onto the motorway with a roaring sound in the sky. Then they zoomed away.
Next year the successful launch of the Harrier Jump Jet (produced in Bristol) was announced.
They are a great rock band.
Yeah - my mate Jim Simpson used to drum for them in the early 80s