Curry Recipes Online
Curry Chat => Lets Talk Curry => Topic started by: Nessa on April 18, 2006, 08:17 PM
The fairly new tv channel Raj TV (channel 187 on Sky) features a programme called 'Chef's Special, featuring the freshest tastes and sumptous menus from a variety of top restaurants, presented with a cheeky grin by our very own celebrity chef Gurpareet'.? It's on right now, the production is terrible but it's an indian chef in a real kitchen cooking dishes in real time, and he's talking about various ingredients, including making his own tomato puree, but admits it's easier to buy it from the supermarket.
It looks like it could be an interesting show, so I'm mentioning it here in case no one has seen it yet.
Hi Nessa, What dishes did he make tonight? I will check it out next time its on.
Hello Nessa
I've tried to find that program but I haven't had any luck. Can you be more specific about times etc.
It was on at 8pm last night but the time doesn't seem to be consistant.? Unfortunately Raj tv doesn't seem to have an active website with programme schedules.
Last night he cooked chicken 'chetinaad'? and a king prawn 'something something', it seems they place the microphone next the the gas burner so there is a lot of 'ttsshsshhshhss' sound when they are speaking. As I said, the production is terrible!? The food looked awesome though.? :)
It was on again last night at 7-8pm, lots of cooking and some chat with indian restaurant owners, unfortunately I still can't find the Raj tv schedules anywhere - their website is up now but it's not complete yet. Maybe someone with Sky+ would be able to catch all the shows?
I've watched this programme several times, some of the cooking sketches are really good but you always get the feeling when they are talking the chef is adding ingredients that you don't see. Last week somebody was cooking a Chinese meal in a wok it must have taken her 15 minutes to complete that was the worse one I have seen but normally there are some good cooking sketches, its well worth a watch if only to see how the chef handles the cooking utensils and the type of utensils that they use.
I'm thinking of getting sky+, when I do I will post the recordings, I am also hoping that the Chef I met on holidays in Spain last December will let me video him cooking when I go next week, thats probably asking a bit much though, maybe I'll tell him I will use the video to promote the restaurant, LOL I'm sure he will fall for that one ;D ;D ;D ;D
I guess we should say 'goodbye' to you now then if you are about to be let into 'The secret!' I can't help not forgetting the jimmyja and his/her cookery lesson. Never heard anything of it....Sworn to secrecy! ;)
If I am lucky enough to learn anything it will as always be passed on to the forum, and thats my personal guarantee.
I used to watch this show every day, unfortunately the channel has disappeared from the Sky TV listings, but according to their website (which is under construction at the mo lol) it will be returning "ASAP" ;D
I'll keep checking back to see if there's any new developments 8)
It was supposed to be re-launched on New Year's Eve, but I still can't find any more about it ::)
Being a techno-luddite I don't have access to fancy stuff like Sky. But I really want to see this programme. Can you give me a heads-up if you find out when it's next on. I can get my friend to record it on their video-gramaphone, you know, the ones that take those beautiful little shiny discs. ;D
Underneath the arches, on cobble stones I lay. Underneath the arches, to dream my dreams away...
This show is hilarious, often its like its being filmed with an old vhs camcorder! Good content though at times
....but that Asian presenter is a total cabbage.
eg, a BIR chef is doing his thing adding various ingredients and trying to explain what he's doing and cabbage boy says
"can you use red onions instead of white onions"
"can you use red peppers instead of green peppers"
"can you use olive oil instead of vegetable oil"
"I bet you won't tell me what you secret spice mix is made of", chef starts saying "cumin, turmeric....", cabbage boy interrupts "can you use red chillies instead of green chillies"
Stop talking doofbag or ask him something F***in relevant or interesting.
And in one episode one of his friends (white guy) hosted the show and he actually managed to be even more annoying with a very similar line in drivel.
rant over, I needed to share that ;)
Stop talking about stuff I can't get ffs.
Or explain it better.
Yes its been missing for a while i hope they come back.
I did see one show done by the owner it was a lot better,
better questions, looking interested etc.
Only seen him doing it the the once then it went off air.
Wot are you discussing? see me after class ;D
I thought Raj TV had disappeared but it's coming back soon.
Raj TV to go off air; back with new look in January
Nov 20, 2006 03:39 PM
Birmingham based Raj TV is all set to unveil its new look in January, ending months of speculation the channel was in trouble.
The relaunch of the channel will see a complete schedule makeover and the introduction of new shows. For the past year, Raj TV has been depending on viewers wedding movies (Shaadi) and old sports shows.
Raj TV will continue its popular 'Shaadi' strand, its health show called 'Health and Wellbeing' and cookery show 'Chef's Special'. According to a channel release, there will be live interactive shows, plus music and current affair based programmes.
Whilst the changes take place, the channel is also temporarily going off air, as the release states;
"As our new live installation set-up is being installed, the channel will be off-air for a few weeks due to the widespread nature of the changes, but we feel sure that this temporary interruption to programmes will be worth it when you see the new revamped service we'll be providing. The proof of the Christmas pudding will be in the eating! Please bear with us while we work on getting our live installation set up right in the heart of Birmingham's fashionable Mailbox Commercial Centre."
Raj TV is a free-to-air channel on Sky Digital EPG 187.
From Bizasia.
Now your showing your age YF ;D Do you have the fur coat and trilby as well? ::)
Has anyone managed to watch Rezza Mahammad's programs on Freeview? Such a sweet camp thing he is, but he does occasionally come up with some gems in his cooking sketches.
I love delhi belly or whatever its called, seeing the spice markets and cooking in India is great
I love delhi belly or whatever its called, seeing the spice markets and cooking in India is great
Coconut Coast (GOa) is very good too and he is even more camp. His Indian cohorts seem quite p****d off with him. Anyway less of this, and apologies to YF and anyone else this P****s off also.