Curry Recipes Online
Beginners Guide => Hints, Tips, Methods and so on.. => Spices => Topic started by: pamder on January 09, 2012, 05:09 PM
hi folks
still enjoying attempting my own curries with using your recipes and tweaking them ( usually end up chucking everything in) :)
I would like to know if anyone could recommend a good quality grinder for grinding of mustard, fenugreek seeds etc.. ??
Hi Pamder,
I invested in one of these. Not cheap at around ?100 but worth every penny. Very good/very robust :) (
Although this is a bladed coffee grinder it seems to get a good write-up from users for grinding spices: (
Costs about 20 quid. My own single bladed coffee grinder is rubbish for grinding seeds and spices and would probably also be useless if I had ever used it for coffee beans.
My spice grinder actually came through the post today,I have been looking on some very old threads concerning the benefits of roasting and grinding your own spices,today I made a dry balti spice mix...have to say the aroma was wonderful.This is the one I brought...can't fault it really it ground all the hard spices to a fine powder really easily... (
I have the same as jb, i've had mine for around 2-3 years and never had any problem grinding anything, well worth the money.
Just bought one.
Small, quiet and does the job nicely. :D
It is listed as being suitable for spices, unlike the other grinders I looked at which stated coffee only. (
Free next day delivery from CO-OP online. (
Hey Dajoca
have a go with green cardamoms and let me know the result please
best, Rich
have a go with green cardamoms and let me know the result please
What do you use green cardamom powder in/with, Rich ? I ask because I use only the whole pods and the individual seeds, never a powdered form.
** Phil.
Hello Phil , I'm not sure what Rich uses cardamom powder for but I love it in black tea .. just a good pinch. It's how tea is sometimes drunk in Bangladesh. BIR tea !!
as you know we make all our own powders etc ( because they ain't available ) - it goes in our garam masala and our balti masala and yes Colin a pinch in black tea is smashing - but don't over do it in the tea
And if you make iced tea like me, green tea with lemon grass a smidgen of cardamom in fantastic on a hot day! ie everyday here...
The reason for asking about the cardamom its a bugger to grind all the shell away without having some tiny stringy bits left in the finished powder.
best, Rich
I know Cory Ander lists it as part of his mix powder. I bought some when I tried some of his recipes. I imagine it is a spice that would go stale quite quickly once it has been ground to a powder.
as you know we make all our own powders etc ( because they ain't available ) [...] The reason for asking about the cardamom its a bugger to grind all the shell away without having some tiny stringy bits left in the finished powder.
Can you buy cardamom seeds ? They should prove easier to grind ...
** Phil.
as you know we make all our own powders etc ( because they ain't available ) [...] The reason for asking about the cardamom its a bugger to grind all the shell away without having some tiny stringy bits left in the finished powder.
Can you buy cardamom seeds ? They should prove easier to grind ...
** Phil.
There are many variations on cardamom - we have a Thai version which is brown and they are in a round casing - they smell and taste similar to green cardamoms but they're definitely not the same.
Green cardamoms are so expensive - we are trying to grow them at the moment and not having much success at all.
As far as going stale as PaulP imagines - yes it probably would if left to the elements but in a sealed bag inside a plastic tub in a reasonably cool place away from direct sunlight its OK - however saying that because of the expense - i grind as much as i need at anyone time.
best, Rich
Hi Loveitspicy. Sorry for not getting back to you, but I hadn't seen your reply before today.
Anyway I have just tried to grind a couple of Cardomoms and it seems to do an OK job. I think more would grind better as opposed to just spinning around the grinder.
I gave it about 4, 5 second bursts which took care of most of it.
The image shows the couple of bits that were left un-ground against 2 cardomoms for scale, but the rest was reduced to powder so these bits could easily be sieved out.
( (
Hope that helps
Spices of India sell cardamon powder, otherwise, you'll have to do what I did once and crack open a load of green cardamons, remove the inner seeds and grind them to a powder. Very time consuming but a nice result if you have the time and patience.... :)
hi folks
still enjoying attempting my own curries with using your recipes and tweaking them ( usually end up chucking everything in) :)
I would like to know if anyone could recommend a good quality grinder for grinding of mustard, fenugreek seeds etc.. ??
thanks for the replies
I bought a Swan grinder from John Lewis as I had vouchers and have to admit it has handled everything so far, peppercorns, fenugreek seeds so far so good