Curry Recipes Online

Beginners Guide => Hints, Tips, Methods and so on.. => Spices => Topic started by: pamder on January 09, 2012, 05:09 PM

Title: spice grinder
Post by: pamder on January 09, 2012, 05:09 PM
hi folks
still enjoying attempting my own curries with using your recipes and tweaking them ( usually end up chucking everything in)  :)

I would like to know if anyone could recommend a good quality grinder for grinding of mustard, fenugreek seeds etc.. ??

Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: 976bar on January 09, 2012, 05:34 PM
Hi Pamder,

I invested in one of these. Not cheap at around ?100 but worth every penny. Very good/very robust :) (
Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: PaulP on January 09, 2012, 05:43 PM
Although this is a bladed coffee grinder it seems to get a good write-up from users for grinding spices: (

Costs about 20 quid. My own single bladed coffee grinder is rubbish for grinding seeds and spices and would probably also be useless if I had ever used it for coffee beans.


Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: jb on January 09, 2012, 07:54 PM
My spice grinder actually came through the post today,I have been looking on some very old threads concerning the benefits of roasting and grinding your own spices,today I made a dry balti spice mix...have to say the aroma was wonderful.This is the one I brought...can't fault it really it ground all the hard spices to a fine powder really easily... (
Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: Unclefrank on January 09, 2012, 08:53 PM
I have the same as jb, i've had mine for around 2-3 years and never had any problem grinding anything, well worth the money.
Title: Krups Spice mill / coffee grinder
Post by: Dajoca on June 27, 2012, 10:35 PM
Just bought one.

Small, quiet and does the job nicely. :D

It is listed as being suitable for spices, unlike the other grinders I looked at which stated coffee only. (

Free next day delivery from CO-OP online. (
Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: loveitspicy on June 28, 2012, 11:04 AM
Hey Dajoca

have a go with green cardamoms and let me know the result please

best, Rich
Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: Peripatetic Phil on June 28, 2012, 12:52 PM
have a go with green cardamoms and let me know the result please
What do you use green cardamom powder in/with, Rich ?  I ask because I use only the whole pods and the individual seeds, never a powdered form.

** Phil.
Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: colin grigson on June 28, 2012, 01:54 PM
Hello Phil , I'm not sure what Rich uses cardamom powder for but I love it in black tea .. just a good pinch. It's how tea is sometimes drunk in Bangladesh. BIR tea !!
Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: loveitspicy on June 28, 2012, 02:22 PM
as you know we make all our own powders etc ( because they ain't available ) - it goes in our garam masala and our balti masala and yes Colin a pinch in black tea is smashing - but don't over do it in the tea
And if you make iced tea like me, green tea with lemon grass a smidgen of cardamom in fantastic on a hot day! ie everyday here...

The reason for asking about the cardamom its a bugger to grind all the shell away without having some tiny stringy bits left in the finished powder.

best, Rich
Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: PaulP on June 28, 2012, 02:23 PM
I know Cory Ander lists it as part of his mix powder. I bought some when I tried some of his recipes. I imagine it is a spice that would go stale quite quickly once it has been ground to a powder.

Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: Peripatetic Phil on June 28, 2012, 02:25 PM
as you know we make all our own powders etc ( because they ain't available ) [...] The reason for asking about the cardamom its a bugger to grind all the shell away without having some tiny stringy bits left in the finished powder.
Can you buy cardamom seeds ?  They should prove easier to grind ...
** Phil.
Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: loveitspicy on June 28, 2012, 11:08 PM
as you know we make all our own powders etc ( because they ain't available ) [...] The reason for asking about the cardamom its a bugger to grind all the shell away without having some tiny stringy bits left in the finished powder.
Can you buy cardamom seeds ?  They should prove easier to grind ...
** Phil.

There are many variations on cardamom - we have a Thai version which is brown and they are in a round casing - they smell and taste similar to green cardamoms but they're definitely not the same.
Green cardamoms are so expensive - we are trying to grow them at the moment and not having much success at all.
As far as going stale as PaulP imagines - yes it probably would if left to the elements but in a sealed bag inside a plastic tub in a reasonably cool place away from direct sunlight its OK - however saying that because of the expense - i grind as much as i need at anyone time.

best, Rich
Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: Dajoca on July 19, 2012, 04:24 PM
Hi Loveitspicy. Sorry for not getting back to you, but I hadn't seen your reply before today.

Anyway I have just tried to grind a couple of Cardomoms and it seems to do an OK job. I think more would grind better as opposed to just spinning around the grinder.
I gave it about 4, 5 second bursts which took care of most of it.
The image shows the couple of bits that were left un-ground against 2 cardomoms for scale, but the rest was reduced to powder so these bits could easily be sieved out.

( (

Hope that helps
Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: 976bar on July 19, 2012, 06:12 PM
Spices of India sell cardamon powder, otherwise, you'll have to do what I did once and crack open a load of green cardamons, remove the inner seeds and grind them to a powder. Very time consuming but a nice result if you have the time and patience.... :)
Title: Re: spice grinder
Post by: pamder on July 31, 2012, 05:03 PM
hi folks
still enjoying attempting my own curries with using your recipes and tweaking them ( usually end up chucking everything in)  :)

I would like to know if anyone could recommend a good quality grinder for grinding of mustard, fenugreek seeds etc.. ??


thanks for the replies

 I bought a Swan grinder from John Lewis as I had vouchers and have to admit it has handled everything so far, peppercorns, fenugreek seeds so far so good
